Search for European Projects

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

A famous Comenius sentence ‘’educate everyone, in all area and without exceptions’’ is what Secundary School of Barcelos really aims in Portugal but particularly at international level. What we really wants, is promove a global and high-quality culture, wich would be able to links all the fields of studies and in the best international standards, exploiting synergies among their knowledge bases, trying to resolve the main social problems. For our teachers, we would like that they would be able to use all the new technologies and that they remain abreast of the latest developments in their specialty disciplines and in pedagogy. In fact, in many Member States of EU, the classes are more than before, a heterogeneous mix of young students that sometimes are different native language, teachers that comes from different social contexts and different cultures. We really belive in the future and in Europe Community, we developed the project to the short lived abroad and Training Staff Teaching Abroad and also a long-time project that we proposed in 94 mobilities, divided into 3 sections. We also proposed 50 mobilities projects only for the staff in a short-time, 40 mobilities for Training\teaching abroad also for short-time, and 4 mobilities for a long time period. These mobilities are presented in a study in all departments of the group in which teachers include the first cycle, second cycle and third cycle and secondary, as the operational assistants. There is a wave of enthusiasm in the group, in the sense that they can have the opportunity to meet other European realities through the project presented. This project give the possibility to study in depth and be trained in sectors linked to extensive range skills, learning activities and desires, which can mean a gain cultural experience with the host community and acquiring technical skills based on specific training. The specifical subjects are Create a partnership between all the institutes and entities that are interested on education, to improve specifical learning Develop the skills and abilities of the participants involved in these contexts; -Develop and implement innovative techniques in teaching training and education; -exploit best European practices in the field of internationalization of teaching and education; -Implement the skills acquired at different levels. The specifical subjects of Mobility Project are Promote cooperation between vocational training and the world of work, essential for the transition between the two; -Ensure the quality of mobility through the pedagogic, linguistic and cultural participants; -Promote the acquisition of practical and theoretical skills in business area; -Find new sources of employment for innovative professionals in the context of education and training; -Improve the language skills of participants; -Optimize the impact of mobility experiences through orientation and sustainability. In achieving this subjects, will increase the number of participants in European mobility programs.
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