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Ultrafine Particles – an evidence based contribution to the development of regional and European environmental and health policy (UFIREG)
Start date: Jun 30, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Air quality is a topic of concern for all citizens. It directly influences life-quality and span. In order to meet the challenges resulting from increased air pollution, regional authorities have to adapt to innovative interdisciplinary approaches. A little attention has however been paid so far to the measurement of ultrafine particles and to providing knowledge-based contributions to regional policy development to reduce ultrafine particle emission even though significance of adverse health effects resulting from ultrafine particle exposure has been underlined in recent epidemiological studies. This task can only be solved by thorough co-operation between health institutions that normally provide the basis for political decision-making and regional environmental authorities in charge of refining measurement techniques. In particular attention should be paid to effects of ultrafine particle exposure in urban environments. A number of recent studies have addressed the association between ambient ultrafine particle concentrations and mortality and morbidity of urban populations. The number of these studies is however relatively small and the available knowledge is limited.The project UFIREG sets as its main task to tackle these problems and to improve the sensitivity of environment and health care authorities of targeted regions to ultrafine particles and to encourage better co-operation between involved actors in order to better protect local populations from this exposure. The issue of air pollution and adverse health effects resulting from ultrafine particles is of cross border relevance and therefore calls for transnational cooperation Achievements: The project UFIREG (Ultrafine Particles - an evidence based contribution to the development of regional and European environmental and health policy) started on 1st July 2011 and is carried out by seven partners in Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Ukraine. The project aims at the analysis of ultrafine particles and their effects on human health. Measuring stations in Dresden, Augsburg, Prague, Ljubljana and Chernivtsi have been taken into service. Data on ultrafine particles as well as other air pollutants are measured and stored in a common database developed by the project team. For the crucial exchange of expert knowledge, an international network of experts and stakeholders has been built since the beginning of the project. Two workgroups of experts including project partners and external scientists have been established: an exposure workgroup specialised in ultrafine particles measurement and an epidemiological workgroup specialised in epidemiological data. Workgroups meet on a regular basis. So far, the exposure workgroup mainly discussed scientific matters with regard to ultafine particles measurement and the development of an air pollution database. The epidemiological work group focused on air pollution/health data analyses. Public relations are an important part of UFIREG. In order to raise public awareness, project partners have been continuously distributing the project brochures amongst interested parties. Moreover, a regular newsletter informs about specific aspects of the work being done and preliminary results achieved so far. Up until now, 6 newsletters have been published. The project website is updated regularly and provides information on project partner meetings, conference attendances, partner city meetings etc. During the third and fourth project period project partners were able to recruit more partner cities (altogether 6). Up until now, partner city meetings took place in Leipzig (28th November 2012) and in Zagorje ob Savi (15th May 2013). The population and different local/regional institutions were informed about the UFIREG project and ultrafine particles. Moreover, project partners extended the Userlist (people who receive the UFIREG newsletter) and collected more contacts, especially during the partner city meetings and conferences. Raising peoples awareness of the potential risks of ultrafine particles for human health and providing information for an extensive protection of the populations health remains one of the projects utmost concerns. Part of the progress achieved so far has been described in a report on Database, Website and SkyDrive (including information about the air pollution database, the project website and the use of SkyDrive for exchange of information between partners and with external experts) and in a report on the First User Forum Evaluation (an evaluation of persons/institutions who are informed about the UFIREG project through a regular newsletter).
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  • 78.8%   1 603 233,05
  • 2007 - 2013 Central Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

6 Partners Participants