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Ultra-thin flexible magnetic sensorics (MAGNETOFLEX)
Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

There is a trend in electronics towards becoming shapeable (flexible, stretchable or printable), which allows electronic components to be arbitrarily reshaped after fabrication. This unique feature offers new unexplored functionalities for the markets of consumer electronics and eMobility.In the frame of the ERC project SMaRT, my team successfully demonstrated the first prototypes of flexible, stretchable and printable magnetic sensors. Extended market research and positive feedback from the industry reveal that flexible sensorics have strong commercialization potential in the emergent market of eMobility (eCars and eBikes).To bring the development of the ERC project SMaRT to the level of commercialization, I have to realize the complete sensing platform combining flexible Hall sensor elements with conditioning electronics. While the project SMaRT deals with R&D on flexible sensors only, the project MagnetoFLEX covers all industrially relevant aspects including design and fabrication of conditioning electronics as well as temperature and induced voltage compensation of the output signals of flexible Hall sensors.European added value / Sustainability: The realization of ultra-thin and flexible magnetic sensorics opens up new fields of application in electrical machines and drives, where conventional rigid semiconductor-based Hall sensors fail. Flexible magnetic sensorics can be applied to optimize electrical motors for eMobility, and thus paves the way towards more energy efficient and eco-friendly electrical machines. Promoting new sensor solutions for the strongly growing field of eMobility will directly result in an enhancement of the competitive position of European companies compared to the dominating Asian market.To accomplish these goals, I need to expand my team by 1 Postdoc and 1 technician. The grant requested is 145.52 kEUR. The department of research funding (IFW Dresden) will support me to manage the project.

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