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Újratöltve - tanítás sikeresen (Recharged - Teaching Successfully)
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our program, "Recharged -Teaching Successfully" will be realized between 01.06.2016. and 31.05.2018. The project is closely connected to the school’s strategical and quality enhancement plan, especially in the areas of key competences and foreign language competence. It aims to achieve the following goals: to get acquainted with motivating and student-centered learning-teaching methods aimed at the age group 7-14, to adapt collaborative, cooperative and inclusive teaching methods, to develop basic foreign language skills with various colorful teaching methods, to create a confident knowledge of the foreign language in students and further deepening of this knowledge in teachers.We participate in international teacher-training courses of the project, which are organized by the German Grundschule Dresselndorf, the IIK DüsseldorfSeit and Czech ITC International. The institutions of the programmes in place for several years in a successful international language courses are not only for teachers, but also for school managers and administrative staff. We chose courses: English methodological course in Taormina 3 - 7 July 2017. German methodology 15 to 19 August 2016. in Düsseldorf, and for English language learning (B2) for administrative staff 2016, August 22 - 22 in London, organized for the school leaders. Innovation in teaching vocational / Managing Diversity - professional teaching for mixed ability classes in Helsinki 3 - 7 July 2017.The courses are of very high quality and involve language teachers from different European countries and with the direction of the excellent teacher trainer lays a special emphasis on methodology and language innovation, as well as on European dimensions (comparing national curriculums, cross-cultural knowledge, making a common project about Europe). The following areas are also emphasized: equal chances for all, enhancing the knowledge of information communication, preventing pre-mature school-leaving, enhancing motivation for learning, applying differentiating techniques in heterogeneous groups, using project and cooperative workforms. The programs of the chosen courses conform to our school developing and strategical plan.The main criteria for choosing the people participating in the programme were volunteering, personal needs and interests but it was also important to us that the leader of the language teaching unit of the school, and other teachers (not only language teachers) a leaders and staff of the school should take part in the programme. The teachers involved sent a request letter to headmistress of the school who is also very supportive and encourages the application. The teachers are chosen by entering test and a letter of motivating. The results of the experiences gained in this programme will be used in several areas in the school – mainly in the talent programme of the school and in giving an opportunity for minority students to catch up with the others. We wish to achieve a more effective way of learning languages and developing the communicative language competence of learners. To reach this we get our students from playful learning to language exams in three main steps, and we also try to avoid flunking our students. The results of the training course will be presented by the participants to the following target groups: the leaders of the institution and colleagues in the form of a written report, powerpoint presentation in the meeting of staff, the acquired techniques will be shown in practice in the form of a workshop and brain-storming with the other language teachers of the school, if needed lectures will be given to students and parents and all interested parts on local, town and county level. Why is it useful for us?- Strengthening the teachers' self-confidence and self-respect,- teachers will have experience abroad, and thus with it they will strengthen the institutional knowledge base - the opportunity will be given for professional renewal - a change of attitude can occur in school management - developing the community - a forum for participants who will implement the exchange of ideas, consultations - the internationalism will become a part of everyday life - increasing the competitiveness of the school - students are given a greater willingness and motivation to learn - appearance of our school in Europe.

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