European Projects
Új utak a francia nyelv oktatásában
Új utak a francia nyelv oktatásában
Start date: Dec 31, 2015,
End date: Dec 30, 2016
The School of Gundel in the name of our French-language teacher is applying for this training course.The application is purposeful and reasonable from several views. The applicant, who is the only French language teacher in our school, catches every possibility to improve and refresh her methodological expertise.The host institution ( the University of Perpignan) has a great history in French education, focusing on tutors’ training. They offered a very high standard program this summer. They present some new motivational tools, data bases, sources, technical solutions in the field of education. They emphasize the importance of visual communication, using cartoons, videos, advertisements, movies during the lessons. Furthermore, with the help of overseas partners, there are a lot of possibilities in distance learning. After the course the participants will get the whole material of the lectures, so their knowledge will be more efficient. In order to make the new information more understandable, our collegue is going to carry out some previous researches, for example: she is revising special literature (French Institue, Mediatech).She is planning to make some surveys at her school in connection with her collegues’ present technical skills and motivation.Due to this training our collegue will have more experiences by meeting other participants from different countries, because this course has been offered only to French language teachers. It is supposed to be a good occasion to exchange experiences, acquire new idea s in the area of education.During the two-week course our collegue is going to discover that region to learn more about the culture of French Catalan borderland ( history, architecture, etc). Last, but not least she will study the world of gastronomy and tourism as well. The above mentioned ones have special meaning: our school is going to enlarge the professional training next year: with the tourist guide of French language. Therefore our collegue has made an agreement with the partner university. She willl be able to take part in the course called ’wine, culture and tourism.Actually, our collegue’s another important purpose is to look for new partner s in the region. Our school gives the students chances to spend their practice in a foreign country year by year. As we don’t have many contacts, this course is supposed to be a great way to get some more partners. We hope that this application will be successful. Our collegue would like to get in touch with some available nearby schools, introduce to them a documentary about our school. The course will be followed by a complex dissemination. The applicant is going to use her own experiences in the teaching process, during her lessons. She will also make a presentation about the future partners, projects to share it with the management and the staff.She is planning for the students after-school activities as well: games, quizes, competitions, where they can acquire extra knowledge and skills.We consider as a medium term result to have some new partners who are willing to cooperate with our school. It wouldn’t be the first time for the beginning of a good partnership. Hopefully the long distance results might be the following: Increasing different professional practice places abroad, enhance of the fame of our school. In that way our school would become more attractive and popular among students. It seems to be another proper argument, why it is good to be a ’Gundelist’.