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Üleriigiliste noortekonsultatsioonide läbiviimine
Start date: May 1, 2010,

The aim of this project is to provide young people living in Estonia aged 15 to 30 opportunities to participate in policy making processes on EU level. The topic of the consultations held during this project is youth employment which is currently the main topic in the EU cooperation in the field of youth. About 130 people will be given a chance to participate in our roundtables and seminars and about 1000 young people are expected to participate via online consultation. The consultation process has two parts - first part is held from May 2010 till September 2010, the second part from October 2010 till February 2011. There will be one big seminar in August 2010, where approximately 100 young people from local and regional youth councils will come together to discuss the main issues concerning youth employment and 3 roundtables in December and January. Young people will also have an opportunity to have a say during different youth events.

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