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Udvikling af interkulturelle og sproglige kompetencer for HHX elever på RHS`studieretninger Sprog og Kultur og Interkulturel marketing
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Bacground for the Project:2 lines at our Business College which specialise in languages, marketing and culture will participate in the Erasmus+ project, and the Erasmus+ project will be a vital part of the two lines as it strengtens and in practice also tests the academic , general and personal goals of HHX (higher commercial examination = Business College).Participants will be HHX students in the age between 17-20 years. Students with dedicated interest in international language, culture and marketing. There will participate approx 49 students. And Roskilde Business College wish to have two teachers, and one from manegement the first year, as support to the students and as international staff training.Primary goals: It is the intention that the students develop their intercultural and linguistic skills and prepare a portfolio and synopsis during their stay at the language school, where they receive relevant teaching, - and also during their homestay and work placement in an Spanish company/organization, where they will experience a different culture. During the work placement it is the intention that the students: learn to co-operate in an Spanish company/organization, - learn to communicate correctly in Spanish internally and externally in the company/organization and learn about various functions in the company/organization, - try to use theory in a specific company/organization, - achieve knowledge of and acknowledge the importance of the globalized world for individuals and companies.Activities and Methods:Spanish lessons at a language school in Madrid focusing on global themes and communicative activities.Work placements with customer contact and co-operation with colleagues in Spanish.Cultural activities focusing on Spanish culture, history and social studies and specific characteristics, institutions and sights in Madrid.Intercultural meetings and social gatherings with different groups in the Spanish society focusing on intercultural skills.The distribution of responsibilities/assignments between Roskilde Business College and Venga Travel is described in details in the Memorandum of Understanding.Expected results: The participating students will obtain skills which will improve their qualifications both in connection with their education at Roskilde Business College and which will enable them to partipate actively in a globalized world. Their linguistic and intercultural skills will be improved so they will be able to study at a university or get a job in a Spanish speaking country or study Spanish at a Danish university. The Erasmus+ project will strengthen the international and linguistic profile of Roskilde Business College.

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