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Uczymy się w Europie - staże zawodowe uczniów ZSM CKP Nr 2
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project created by Zespół Szkół Mechanicznych Centrum Kształcenia Praktycznego No 2 im. Św. Józefa in Białystok entitled ’We Are Learning in Europe – professional trainings for students of ZSM CKP No 2’ responds to the diagnosed needs of students and the school to prepare students in the scope of practical professional and interpersonal skills required in a labour market. Interpersonal competences acquired by the students, namely understanding principles of behaviour and rules of different societies and environments will enable them active participation in social and professional life in the future and better adjustment in a new environment. Project implementation will have a significant influence on improvement of students competence, increase of chances to find a job by young people, quality, improvement of effectiveness as well as attractiveness of professional education. The Project is directed to 36 students of ZSM CKP No 2 level III of Technikum Mechaniczne, who are educated for the specialisations: a mechanic technician, a mechatronic technician, a car mechanic. The students will participate in a two-week-professional training in:• Rimini – Italy (Partner: Sistema Turismo S.R.L.) – 2 groups of 9 persons each - specialisation car mechanic. Planned period: March 2017, March 2018.• Malaga (Spain) (Partner: Tribeka Training LAB S.L.) – 2 groups of 9 persons each - specialisation mechanics technician and mechatronic technician. Planned period April 2017, April 2018.Trainings implemented in foreign firms will give a new dimension in the scope of quality of practical education – learning via experience and learning from each other will have an impact on independent thinking and activity what will have application on the quality and effectiveness of the process of education. In addition, the project will allow students personal development on the European level. Trainings completed in foreign firms will give a new dimension in the scope of quality of practical education, adaptation of a system of professional education to the needs of regional and EU labour market. Project implementation will provide free exchange of knowledge and competences among member states of the EU. Knowledge, skills and qualifications of 36 students will be confirmed by the certificate of professional training completion issued by the hosting organization and Europass Mobility document. The aims of the project are in accordance with main aims of ERASMUS+ program, implementation of detailed aims of the project will improve practical skills and professional qualifications of students, will help to fight against unemployment of young people by supporting students in acquiring additional, crucial, professional skills , a skill of communication in a foreign language and ability to work in new conditions with people of different nationalities and cultures. The mobility will enable them additional learning of a foreign language, the participants will also broaden their knowledge about traditions, culture and history of a country visited by them, it will allow to develop respect to the cultural heritage of Europe. The detailed aims include development and improvement of professional skills in mechanical and motor vehicle industry of 36 students of ZSM CKP No 2, acquisition of new knowledge and its practical usage and implementation of new experiences, knowledge and skills in Poland. Project value added is encouraging entrepreneurship and motivation to further education of young people.The Project puts emphasis on intercultural competences, students qualified for the trainings will participate in language and cultural classes (4 groups with 20 hours of preparations),which include language workshops introducing technical vocabulary, they will also participate in classes focused on culture and traditions of countries of their destination. Activities implemented during the project will have a long term impact on the participants and the school ZSM CKP No 2. The project completion will allow the school to increase its ability to operate on the EU level, continue European cooperation, undertake new actions and initiatives on the international level including a local and regional level in the scope of education and trainings. The Project will also promote the school and professional education, it will help to widen the horizons of students, teachers and parents . The impact of the project on the school ZSM CKP No 2 means, first of all, innovative approach to education and vocational development to make the systems of vocational education meet expectations of regional and EU labour markets . The Project gives a chance to improve a process of recognition and confirmation of competences acquired during education abroad.The Project Partners are Sistema Turismo S.R.L. (Italy) and Tribeka Training LAB S.L. (Spain) group members"ETN NETWORK", who during our long lasting cooperation appeared to be a reliable firm in terms of
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