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Uczeń jako przyszły pracownik - mój przyszły zawód w Europie
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is designed for the third grade students of secondary technical school. We plan that 9 students training to be an electricians, 19 - electronics and 12 – IT specialists will take part in it. The project is scheduled for two years and the partners are: the French school Ensemble Scolaire La Salle Saint Etienne in France and Europe Training company in Plymouth, UK. The main objective is to hold a professional practice with a foreign employer, which is extremely valuable for professional and personal development as well as improving language competence. Students will acquire skills relevant to the curriculum for each profession. The project responds to the need to adapt vocational training to the needs of modern labor market not only in Poland, but throughout Europe. For students enrolled in technical professions, it is important that foreign companies often represent a higher technological and organizational level than Polish companies and already widely apply solutions that are new to the Polish market. Students will get familier with the technical solutions, technologies, organization of work and equipment that are already in use in Europe. Not only will they be able to move them to the Polish ground, but if in the future theywill work in Polish enterprises, which apply the western style of work, they will already be prepared. During the project the level of education will be adapted to European standards by comparing the requirements from students and trainees at the place of practice. The resulting documents: Europass Mobility and Language Passport will help participants move in the labor market in the future. The project will contribute to the improvement of teamwork and linguistic competence of both students and teachers involved in the project. An important element is to break the language and culture barrier, which will allow for flexibility in establishing contacts and exchange experiences. Students will learn the customs and culture of the French / British. The project also aims to improve school performance in terms of the methods and content of vocational education and relationship with employers. Teachers will present the observed solutions in the school, and the most useful will be used in the work plan of the school. Implementation of the project will motivate students to improve their skills and develop their interests. The possibility of a training abroad, is an attractive form for students. The criteria for selecting participants are to motivate, to liberate the students' willingness to improve in different areas, both in learning and in creating the attitudes of responsibility, creativity and a proper behaviour. Students will present their experiences in the form of a multimedia presentation, which will be posted on the school website and used in meetings with other vocational subjects teachers and employers. The opportunity to meet will be the ceremony of handing in Mobility Europass and vocational schools Forum. Implementation of the project will also bring the long-term benefits . Developed during the training a practice diary and a glossary of terms, concepts and phrases in English professional language will be used in subsequent projects abroad and in everyday school practice. The school also plans to expand international cooperation on the implementation of the Strategic Partnership.
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