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Ucz się z nami - Mobilny Transfer wiedzy
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Presented cycle of mobility is the continuation of our work to create and to manage the innovative universal product–cycle of lectures in foreign language with the active usage of the element of multiculturalism in the multicultural groups of adult learners. Strong benefit of those materials is the possibility to be modified according to the level of knowledge and diversity of the group. We believe that scenarios should consider experience in teaching of as many EU countries as possible, because each EU country has an own system of lifelong learning. We would like to use the collaborations with the partners that we worked with during our previous projects (GRUNDTVIG „E-toile”) as we’d like to test our copyright materials for their universal character and to get helpful insights based on partners’ experience in teaching foreign languages in multinational groups.Teaching in such groups requires special skills from teachers: interpersonal skills, the usage of non-standard glottodidactic means and the usage of advanced pedagogical methods. Our experience has demonstrated, that in order to succeed in the teaching process, the teacher must be prepared to become a teacher-coordinator and to move the burden of the educational process to the group. In 2015-2016 we manage 3 mobilities with the partners that are directly involved in adult education in multicultural groups (Cyprus, UK, Netherlands). As the next step, there are 2 mobilities aimed at conducting training sessions. This time we change the training formula: trainings will be conducted in the organizations managing trainings for staff of lifelong learning system in their region. Two-day trainings are organized in Association Russie-Aquitaine, France (X-XI.2016) and Association of Teachers of Russian, Ireland (II-III.2017). Mobilities are aimed to present a new and innovative way to prepare the lecture scenarios, to receive professional feedback and to add relevant content to materials, which will be delivered as a final methodical materials. Training programme consists of: workshops for teachers, open lessons for groups of adult participants, panel discussions, feedback sessions. We are planning also “job shadowing” related to our goal and having an important significance for our product – a visit of a group of our teachers in the University Hogskolan Dalarna in Sweden (IV-V.2017). This university is the leader in the modern open education system in Sweden (tuition-free system, available to each person at any education level/any age/any country of origin). Language learning process is managed via their own e-learning platform. Such visit will allow us to incorporate in our materials: modern teaching techniques/means, to show a different role of the teacher in the process of self-learning among diverse learners with the usage of the Internet.Expected results:„Hard”:• participation in teaching/training assignment – from 15 until 20 teachers invited, in total 40 participants of training• participation in „job shadowing” – 3 teachers from our organization will gain the knowledge, skills and inspiration for our new teaching materials• educational staff in 3 organizations will gain new capabilities that help in career development• 3 organizations will have chance to increase the number of people willing to learn and to continue the educational process• collecting the materials that were created during the realization of the mobility„Soft”:• implementation of the new methodology that is a result of collaboration• higher quality of services• higher level of creativity of participants and teachers• better communication process in the group of adults• building an agreement in diverse groups• higher level of participants’ self-esteem, self-confidence and their capabilities.Long-term benefits:For us: an increase in the range of our educational activities; continuation of our partnership with the participants of the mobilities; building the new networking contacts; an increase in awareness of the brand of our organization; an introduction to the service of the possibility for e-learning.For the partner organizations: inspiration for new programmes; access to innovative knowledge; international collaboration; an increase in capabilities; stronger market position; a larger range of their activities.For recipients of our educational services: an incremental satisfaction for the educational process; equalization of opportunities for people coming from various countries and having various education levels; accelerated learning process and the usage of own cultural potential. Mobilities are supporting the partners between universities and organizations non-profit aiming to strengthen innovation and knowledge building, promotion of multiculturalism and exchange of experiences.

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