Search for European Projects

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

TEACHERS, TEACH (AND LEARN) WITHOUT BORDERS!ORIGIN OF PROJECTIn the last few years the school has been working very hard in order to provide its students with a high quality teaching-learning process and to become more international. A team made of several teachers worked on European projects such as Comenuis – Multilateral Partnership and Comenius – Individual Pupil Mobility which resulted in a very good cooperation with partner schools in Italy, Spain and other countries. Nowadays more and more teachers and students want to take part in international projects and gain new experience, learn something new, improve their skills and also become a source of information as well as inspiration for their partners. For this reason the school does not want to organize only student mobilities but wants to enable teachers to take part too and provide them with the opportunity to further educate themselves.AIMSThe aim of the school is to improve the quality of the teaching-learning process, motivate students to learn, make the school even more international and promote equity and inclusion, pro-European thinking. To achieve the set objectives it is necessary to have high qualified staff who is open to a new innovative methodology and has experience with different cultures. Therefore the school encourages further education of teachers and enables teachers of various subject to gain new experience by attending a language/methodology course and taking part in a job shadowing project.NUMBER AND PROFILE OF CANDIDATESDue to the importance attached to foreign languages education at our grammar school and drama, visual arts, music and PE specialisation at pedagogical school, 8 teachers of the following specialisation will be involved in the project: English and Russian language, musical education, PE, psychology, civics, mathematics, ICT.ACTIVITIESLanguage courses will be chosen for 4 teachers in order to provide the participants with the opportunity to improve their language skills. Participants will stay in host families so that they can learn about new culture. Job shadowing will be organised for 3 participants in host schools in Italy, France and Finland. Czech teachers will have an opportunity to see their colleagues at work and discuss methodology (focused especially on students with disadvantages background) . Czech foreign language teachers will cooperate with their foreign colleagues due to a long-time experience in foreign language teaching on all sides. REALIZATIONFor realization of the project our school will employ the service providers (assurance, transport, accommodation) proved in the course of the previous projects. In case of job-shadowing, a mentor will be chosen by the host school to be in contact with our teachers before their arrival. The organisation of language courses will be provided by a professional agency which will arrange appropriate courses and accomodation. A school will ensure a language training for the teachers who don’t teach foreign languages.RESULTS AND IMPACTParticipants will improve their language skills, broaden their knowledge of methodology (with the emphasis on the application of the principles of equity and inclusion) and gain a first-hand experience with different cultures. It will result in a higher quality of teaching-learning process. High quality teaching-learning process and motivated students will lead to very good students´ study results. Participants will also share their experience with colleges and students, which will support internationalization of the school and pro-European thinking. Cooperation on this project will strengthen the relationship among the schools and will improve the quality of further student mobilities.
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4 Partners Participants