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Učitelé studenty v EU
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school has already been experienced in international projects (Comenius, Leonardo), in technical and scientific aducational projects and in the courses for public. We have also started with CLIL teaching in sciences and technical subjects, at the moment with a foreign language teacher. While working on the international projects there always was a need to involve a language teacher so an amount of participating teachers was limited so far.We want the employees to increase their language, technical and professional competences.Ten participants take part in the mobility, 2 foreign language teachers, 6 teachers of technical subjects, one employee of the boarding house and a director. The participants are in a different phase of their carreer, we want to use sharing experience and inovation among colleagues, among employees and school, between school and public. We emphasise all subjects equally and we see a coorperation among teachers as the way how to effect the students and their personal and professional development in a complex way. We also want to present a good example of school and its teachers´work. That is why we concentrate on the courses, but in future we plan to take part in job shadowing, studying CLIL methodology, cooperation between schools and mobility. We want to incorporate the project and its results in the school program as a part of school life.During the project we will use teachers´ knowledge and their experience gained by everyday activities and teaching, by working on the projects, teaching in courses and their whole life studyig. The realization of the project will be implemented in everyday life of the school, although it will make demands on the staff.The school management and a coordinator will work out a a plan of school development, plan of results, a detailed plan of activities, a way of checking. The participants will take part as well.We expect increasing a language level of participants, getting new knowledge and experience, gaining higher level of personal, communicative, professional and digital competences and satisfaction of all people included in the project. Such a teacher is a good staff member, a good example for students. We want to increase the attractiveness of school and interests in studying demanding technical subjects. A steady number of students means a steady amount of staff and job opportunities in our region. An educated and prepared teacher will prepare students well for their future career including finding a job in an European labour market.
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