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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project called „Keep Learning for the Whole Life“ was created as the first step towards the integration of our school into the European system of education. The school has not taken part in such an activity yet, and, therefore, this is its reaction to the changes, which refer to the new concept of school as an institution functioning within the modern society. Through this project, we would also like to establish new contacts abroad to be able to develop a well functioning network of partner schools which will realize various projects engaging students whose age is 16 – 19. At the moment we are preparing a project with a Hungarian school (Kazinczy Ferenc Gimnázium). At the same time we are looking for other partners to cooperate with. The aims of the project are set to – in a short- term perspective – substantially contribute to making the educational process more effective and in compliance with its current trends, to making the school management work more efficient as well as to strengthening the position of this school among other schools within the region. 8 teachers of this school with a pro-active attitude to their own education are supposed to take part in this project. All of them on a regular basis participate in various kinds of educational activities in the Czech Republic e.g. university extended study programmes, workshops in metodology of teaching the subjects they specialize in, language courses, workshops for school management etc. Observing good examples of school classes, visiting an educational institution as a unique system and studying various forms of school counceling are the main areas the lifelong education participants want to pay attention to. Other participants will take part in language and methodology of teaching various subjects courses. The contents of the courses are guaranteed by their organizers. They usually concentrate on new trends in teaching foreign languages, using new technologies in teaching as well as sharing professional experience among course participants. In the long-term run the project enriches its participants by providing them with new personal experience in an international perspective and by strengthening their own negotiation strategies. We think that personal meetings are an ideal form for planning, developing and discussing further cooperation.

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2 Partners Participants