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Start date: Jul 2, 2014, End date: Jul 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The purpose of the project is professional development of the foreign language teachers who teach in the general education program Gimnazija. The main objective of professional teacher training is aimed at providing foreign language teachers with a greater range of modern methods for their classroom work. In an increasingly international and multicultural Europe, the project - in addition to exploring new methodology - aims at extending the teachers' knowledge of cultures, since teaching a foreign language involves teaching a target country's culture as well. The aims and objectives of professional teacher training are short-term, middle-term and long-term ones. Short-term objectives: - providing foreign language teachers with a greater range of the latest methods, techniques and tools that they can employ in the classroom, - exploring techniques and activities to inspire students and raise their motivation, - exchanging teaching experience with colleagues from other European countries, - establishing new partnerships in the wider European area, Middle-term objectives: - employing new methods in the classroom when working with students of mixed abilities and different levels of motivation, - starting the implementation of the projects in the virtual environment eTwining, - planning with the partners and other collaborating teachers the implementation of the project that will be solving common problems. Long-term objectives: - internationalisation with longer mobilities within the program Gimnazija. There are four foreign language teachers who will participate in the mobility project: a Spanish teacher, a German teacher and two English teachers (as English is our first foreign language with the largest number of learners). Although all of the participants have some international experience, they require permanent professional development to meet the demands of new generations in a fast changing world. In their everday practice they are faced with numerous challenges, such as teaching in mixed ability classes, dealing with different levels of motivation and a variety of the studets' needs. Having the opportunity to participate in mobility programmes and exchange teaching experience on an international level, the participants will develop professionally and personally, gaining new knowledge, tools and ideas for improved classroom work, as well as personal motivation and enthusiasm for teaching and motivating their students more effectively. Before going on international mobility, the teachers will participate in preparations which will include their expectations, obligations and the objectives of the project. Preparations will also help them with practical and logistic matters. After finishing their mobility programmes, the participants will make presentations for other colleagues and transfer the gained knowledge, improvements and novelties in teaching methodology to them, they will test the novelties by employing them in their classroom practice, they will carry out the students' evaluation of the lessons and add their own evaluation of their classroom experience in writing. In the whole process, new documents and forms will be made and published on the school website, being thus available to other linguists. The participants will be expected to share their new experiences as examples of good practice within their study groups. The most important effects that are expected are, firstly, raising motivation of the teachers to cope with the numerous challenges of the time, brought by new generations of students, and secondly, transferring the gained knowledge about teaching methodology and target cultures to other colleagues. We also expect wider effects in terms of raising motivation of our students for language learning, establishing international partnerships and collaboration with colleagues from other European countries, either in virtual or real environments.

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4 Partners Participants