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Ubiquitous learning for 21st century
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

During the economic crisis, Fuerteventura has been hit hard (with a 47% unemployment at the end of 2013), and although it is experiencing a slight recovery, it is important to provide adult training that is, on the one hand adapted to the needs of learners, and on the other hand, modern and innovative. AC Meridiano is an important actor for adult education on the island, therefore we have planned two mobility activities for 3 of our volunteer teachers, in order to allow them to acquire skills in digital content creation and gamification. The project work is divided into different phases: preparation of training activities, implementation of the mobility, evaluation of skills acquired and of the project, and integration of digital content creation into our educational offer. Thanks to the newly acquired capacity by our staff, we will increase the quality of our training offer, making it more attractive and modern. We therefore hope to train a larger number of students and create new opportunities for collaboration with other European organizations in the field of adult education. Thanks to this project our learners will have access to a quality training, including digital and interactive elements. Our training always aims to improve the employability of our students: the access to quality training, interactive and including digital elements, as well as modernizing the training, will not only enable our students to improve their digital competences but also their emplyability . At national and European level, this project will promote the development of similar courses and initiatives thanks to the dissemination actions that will be acrried out in the frame of the project.
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