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˝U potrazi za kvalitetom˝ , ˝ Tracing for quality˝
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project ‘Tracing for Quality’ is carried out through staff mobility of Elementary School Spinut in Split, within the Erasmus +,KA1,Learning Mobility of individuals,Shool education Staff Mobility.TOPICSQuality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development)Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship educationICT - new technologies - digital competencesDESCRIPTIONSchool Spinut,according to the Strategic development plan,performs educational activities and there were identified needs of raising the level of quality,integrity and efficiency of teaching and extracurricular programs for students and staff. It’s necessary to continuously implement cross-sectoral themes through classes, for a more comprehensive education of independent, self-confident individuals. There is also a need of raising the quality of extracurricular program,by implementing projects aimed at students,by activating the School Cooperative and encouraging the organization of an Educational center for training personnel of all schools.Teachers and school staff are an important resource for school as an institution, in whose qualities, experiences, knowledge and trainings has to be invested,to be competent for the implementation of modern school’s program.Staff will therefore be involved and participate in EU projects and in establishing partnerships.OBJECTIVESSpecific objective:The acquisition and development of skills, competencies, knowledge, experiences and motivation of the teaching and non-teaching staff of Spinut Primary School,for the organization and improvement of extracurricular programs for students and teachers, and for more efficient implementation of curriculum.Overall objective:This project and implementation of it’s objectives will contribute to the modernization of Spinut school, raising the quality of teaching and extracurricular programs for school students and staff.It will enable an additional capacity building and international dimension of school, in order to develop educational programs that meet the needs of individuals.It will contribute to the internationalization of the school and development of multiculturalism, developing partnerships with European primary schools, and bring closer the feeling and experience of European citizenship.Project will raise recognition of school and quality of educational programs in Split and Croatian elementary schools and will raise the efficiency of education,focused on development of individual qualities of students,while raising awareness of the the importance of lifelong education.PARTICIPANTS-2 primary classroom and 4 subject classroom teachers, Headteacher, PedagoguePARTNERSAgrupamento de Escolas do Forte da Casa,Lisbon,Praha 3, Lupáčova , Prague,Mentis sp. z o.o.,WarsawThe acquisition and development of of key and transversal competences of staff: communication on the foreign and native language, digital skills and 'learning to learn',mathematical competences and basic competences in science and technology, social and civic competences, skills for taking the initiative and entrepreneurial competences,cultural awareness and expression of ideas, experiences, knowledge and skills for implementing various projects,in order to afford more comprehensive education of students, tby implementing the cross-curricular themes through education and various extracurricular projects.CERTIFICATES:-of participation in the mobility-from school Spinut-conducted on observation period and acquired competences-from hosting school-Europass Mobility-registration of competencies-from hosting school and SpinutThe above listed key and transversal competences, experience, knowledge and motivation of staff Spinut Primary School will be gained by participating in international activities, mobility of individuals for the purpose of learning. Specifically, the project will enable school staff to acquire the necessary knowledge and competences,in order to address the identified needs of the Strategic development plan for the modernization and internationalization of the school Spinut.Groups of Job shadowing (JS)activities:JS in Portugal, in Elementary school Agrupamento de Escolas do Forte da Casa,Lisbon,JS in the Czech Republic,in Elementary school Základní škola, Praha 3, Lupáčova,Prague, JS in Poland, in Elementary school Mentis sp. z o.o.,WarsawThe project is a specific because of the strong connectivity at all levels of activities, as the teams participate in Job shadowing activities, and as well create partnerships between schools. In addition, it is important for training the school staff, by observing practical work of the hosting school, which will contribute realizing the functional methods of implementation of acquired skills. In addition, the project will contribute to better understanding and recognition of skills, both within and outside national borders, to reduction of early school leaving, to realization of the concept of lifelong learning.

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