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Twisted world: het reilen en zeilen van de wereld en de mensen erin, met een focus op een duurzame en verdraagzame wereld.
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is all about an exchange between members from a youth movement in Romania and one in Belgium. We are planning to work around the theme ‘twisted world’. The main lines we set out for this theme are a durable and tolerant world, and the goings of it. Instead of concentrating us on all the people in the world, we are narrowing it down by focusing on just the Romanians. We want to learn our members that cooperating is easier and better than clashing. We’re going to get them out of the virtual world and show them the real world around them. The Belgian group consists out of 20 members between 14 and 18 years old, and 5 attendants between 20 and 23. The Romanian one also has 20 members, ranging from 14 until 20 years old and has 5 attendants between 20 and 25. Our activities will broadly be elaborated in a cultural way, in which we will focus on cooperation and respect for each other’s cultures. We will do so from Belgian as well as Romanian perspectives. Duration and tolerance will be the main theme during our exchange. Specifically we’ll offer a statements game, a gastronomical activity, an outdoors activity and nature, an activity around recycling, little games to get to know each other, a visit to a farm and the city, traditional costumes and folk dance, other organizations, and so much more. We expect this project to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience in which we get to know a different culture. By working around the theme we chose, in a different country and culture, we are hoping our members will gain consciousness about and be open to the different societies in our own country. The goal we have in mind is to have them use the things they’ll learn in this project. We expect them to show respect to people with a different cultural background, and appreciate the norms and values of others. We’ll process the gained knowledge in a cultural event, in which we’ll communicate to our direct environment by using statements, photos and others about what we learned from one another. The members will be free and have the opportunity to choose what they find important to share. We hope they will never forget the things they’ll learn and carry it in their hearts for the rest of their lives. We want them to be conscious about different cultures and societies all the time, and to show them the respect they deserve.

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