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Twin-Port (FI-EST)
Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The closer integration of Estonia and Finland and their main ports is one of the objectives of the TWIN-PORT MoS project. TWIN-PORT is an upgrade of an existing but inefficient maritime transport link between the Ports of Helsinki and Tallinn. It is an important link with direct connections the Nordic Triangle Rail/Road Axis (Priority Project 12) and Rail Baltic" axis: Warsaw-Kaunas-Riga-Tallinn-Helsinki (Priority Project 27).The proposed upgrading of the transport system of the Ports of Helsinki and Tallinn links the existing European corridors and axes together, thus further reducing the bottlenecks, and facilitating development and growth for industry in the region and beyond. The Global Project will increase cohesion, cooperation and integration between the two EU Member States and the regions. Along with enhancement of cooperation and industrial growth, combating climate change by using new innovative technical solutions is another objective of the Global Project.The need for the proposed Action is due increased cargo volumes and will lead to capacity and efficiency gains on the link.The activities concerns:1) Development of Helsinki West Harbour- Port infrastructure and access developments- Traffic system and access improvements- Use of automation and new technology2) Development of traffic solutions of terminals A, B and D in Tallinn Old City Harbour3) Study regarding Tallinn-Helsinki Ro-RoTraffic Scenarios Achievements: State of progress on 31 December 2013:The project has started, and is progressing to plan. Certain sub-activities have already been completed (1 Arrangement and construction of the ferry berth LJ5, 4.1 Reconstruction of quay wall of quay No 5/16, 4.2 Ramp for quay 14/15, the location of the ramp has been moved to quay16).
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