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Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Fakultni zakladni skola Usti n.L. is an elementary and secondary school for children from 6 up to 15 years old. There are approximately 480 students and more than thirty teachers at school. The school is located in the centre of an industrial town with high unemployment rate and many students live in socially disadvantaged families. This project aims at improving teachers´ working skills, thereby increasing the quality of education and giving our teachers as well as students opportunities for international cooperation and smooth integration of future migrating children. In the frame of this project, our teachers will introduce our students culture and traditions of the European and non- European countries. As a result, our students will be better prepared for the labour market not only in Czechia but also in EU countries and they will be able to accept people with different cultural roots. . The newly gained experience and acquired materials would have an important impact on our school curriculum, too. The project group consists of teachers who are qualified to teach and work together in various international school projects. For example, our English teachers are in the present time involved in the project called NEFLT in the cooperation with the University of Jan Evangelista Purkyne. They familiarize themselves with new teaching methods and procedures while visiting each others’ English lessons. These teachers are willing to share their newly acquired knowledge, skills, methods and procedures with their collegues who have at least partially began using CLIL methods. For our teachers, it is essential to gain international experiences and learn about the culture and political situation in European countries within their subjects. There are also teachers in this group – primary school teachers - who teach children aged from 7 to 11 years all subjects. The group includes the teacher of the German language who regularly organises cross-border cooperation for the students and creates international activities for them to arouse their interest in the neglected German language in the Czech Republic. This teacher makes our school German language curriculum and needs to acquire new knowledge and experience in cooperation with German colleagues. Music and elementary teachers are very interested in countries with different musical roots and cultural approaches and also partners experienced in refugee integration. They intend to use music and art as an integrating teaching tool. At the same time they wish to introduce the Czech national and folk music in foreign countries. The manager of our school would like to focus on the issues of school leadership, mainly on Integration of migrating children, organization, school curriculum, key activities in the local education plan, how to evaluate teachers etc. Our school is a partner of the project called Creative School. Within Creative School project, there are organized accredited courses and seminars of creative teaching that are also led by some of our teachers. Some teachers are also involved in the production of textbooks for primary schools. We expect that the participation in this project will be reflected in these areas as well. We are planning to pass new knowledge, ideas and materials to the teachers, pupils and also to students of the Faculty of Education of UJEP. These future teachers come to our school to learn from our teachers and are trained by them on regular basis in their pedagogical practice. We would like to apply these experience on the international level.
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