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Turystyka regionalna - przyszli fachowcy uczą się dziś w Europie
Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is prepared by Zespół Szkół Zawodowych im. Edwarda Dembowskiego in Wieliczka and is titled „Regional tourism – future professionals learn today in Europe” . It begins on July 1, 2015 and ends on June 30, 2016. It establishes the organisation of the foreign traineeship in Germany for the students and alums, who are 17-20 years old. The participants attend the school or graduate it in the school year 2014/2015 in such a majors: hotel industry technicians, feeding and gastronomical service technicians and tourism industry technicians. 3 groups of participants will go to Germany: 2 groups each 16 students and 2 caretakers and the third group consists of 7 alums. Their stays are destined for May and October 2015 (4 weeks – one month of practice) and for the alums the turn of June/July 2015 till August/September 2015 (2 months of traineeship). The main aim of this foreign stay within the Erasmus+ programme is decline of the incompatibility of curriculum with the needs of the job market through improvement of the number of practical classes. This project also aims at the development of the linguistic competences and as a result accomplishment of multilingualism which is in accordance with the principles of Erasmus+ programme. The students and alums will gain competences connected with German language through the contact with co-workers and executives in the companies. They will also develop the English competences because a lot of hotel guests come from different countries. Through the project the students are supposed to improve their key competences such as writing and reading in their national language and also perfection of the computer usage. Participants will gain competences not only during their work practice but also through the preparation process. The whole project bases on the principles of the ECVET system. The partnership group, which will participate in this project concerns 10 institutions: our school Zespół Szkół Zawodowych im. Edwarda Dembkowskiego in Wieliczka and the enterprises from Germany: Siegmundsburger Haus Werraquellle GmbH (as a main partner), Hotel Herzog Georg, Waldhotel Berghof, Ringhotels Neustadt a. d. Orla, Hotel Stadt Neustadt, Posthotel Rotenburg, Hotel Linderhof, Hotel Rodenberg and The Erfurt Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The partnership group became acquainted during the realization of the projects within German-Polish Youth Office and Leonardo da Vinci. It has already signed an Agreement about the Partnership and its content is so long because the work practice is individual (max. 2 students/alums per hotel). Within the project the students will take part in a trip concerning „Porcelain trail” and they will also visit the Museum of Porcelain. Accordingly, they will develop their knowledge about Thuringia and German culture. Within the stay, alums visit Erfurt and take part in the meeting with the representatives of The Erfurt Chamber of Commerce and Industry , who tell them everything about the dual educational system in Germany, opportunities connected with education and job offers in this country. Participants of the Erasmus+ programme will also get such documents as: Europass Mobility, Europass Language Passport, certificate with the grade in accordance with the ECVET system and also a confirmation about the vocational courses within a preparation process. These documents will be used by the young people as a help while looking for a job and will improve their chance to obtain their dream job. Realization of our project will also contribute not only to the development of the participants but also to the development of our school and our region. Thanks to the presence of caretakers in this project, they will also gain new knowledge and experience and will think about the opportunities connected with a better match of education in technical college according to the needs of the job market. Thanks to these actions the touristic region of Wieliczka will develop because it has a great potential.
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15 Partners Participants