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Turning European placements into a learning environment for entrepreneurial skills – as a key competence of graduates of European universities
Start date: Oct 1, 2011,

European as well as national policies and strategies (e.g. EU2020 strategy and their national counterparts, Oslo Agenda for Entrepreneurship Education) underline the need for more university-enterprise cooperation and the development of a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation. The project consortium agrees that the potential of practical training and study phases abroad (e.g. Erasmus and Leonardo placements) for the development of both entrepreneurial and intercultural skills for strategic career planning has not been fully exploited yet. Entrepreneurial skills are addressed as a “European key competence for lifelong learning". The Uni-Key “Bottom up approach” means that we collect students/graduates when they come out of their “comfort zone”, i.e. undertake an EU University-Enterprise mobility period, e.g. an Erasmus placement. Uni-Key identifies key situations during a placement period and turns them into key entrepreneurial learning situations, i.e. entrepreneurial skill training is based on practical situations that each student experiences before, during and after being abroad. The Uni-Key programme consists of 7 learning modules and one train-the-trainer module. Furthermore Uni-Key aims to valorise placements periods for university-enterprise knowledge transfer, research and innovation. Uni-Key turns students into “transfer agents”. If mobility including university-enterprise mobility shall be mainstreamed according to the “Youth on the Move” initiative (EU2020 strategy) the number of placements needs to be increased. Micro and young companies often cannot compete with the reputation and trainee programmes of large companies – Uni-Key explores formats of placements which are attractive to both entrepreneurs and students and which emphasise the relationship with the owner – which students never have in large enterprises. Uni-Key learning modules take accessibility by mobile devices into account– to cater for the need for flexibility of mobile target groups.

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  •   325 000,00
  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\ERASMUS\Cooperation between Universities and Enterprises
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

9 Partners Participants