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Turizmus-tendenciák az EU-ban
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main target of Comenius Economic Secondary and Technical School is to develop and colour its training in the field of tourism with foreign internship, and to build it in the training system of the institution. The participants of the program do a 2-year training in Hungary where they learn the trade of Tourist Guide (National List of Trade: 5481201) and Tourism Organiser and Operator (National List of Trade: 5485481203). Due to the high rate of seasonality the school in Székesfehérvár cannot guarantee the continuous practical training in Hungary because of the low number of the all-year-round open travel agencies, touristic centres and hotels, where they could take part in practical training regularly. The missing practical skills and knowledge cannot be acquired within school workshops, it can be obtained during solving problems in special situations which occur at the real workplaces.As long as they cannot acquire the practical skills during the school years, they will face the burdens of the special tasks after getting into their first workplace. This gap is bridged over by the foreign placements, where at the high standard hotels they have the chance to take part in organising programs, selling services, working at the reception desk or as a restaurant hostess, animator or accompany the guests as a tourist guide trainee. The managers of the receiving hotels collected information about the Hungarian training programs already in 2010, and we have set up the foreign internship programs of project year since 2011 accordingly. Taking into account the experiences of the projects so far, the internship in Cyprus and in Germany will be based on the Hungarian training in the future too, completing it and with the help of this we will contribute to the personal, professional and language development of the trainees. Thanks to the reliable cooperation with our foreign partners, the evaluation of the skills and the knowledge acquired abroad will be built into the evaluation system of the Hungarian institution, and the students will be given permission not to attend certain classes (foreign languages, hotel and catering, marketing, guidance knowledge, etc.). Based upon the agreement recording certain competences gained abroad, the trainees can get exemption from attendance without being tested in certain topics. The teachers decide whether an extra reporting or assessment is needed and about the degree of exemption. Our programmes organised in former years also proved that the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of students – who really want to develop, are open-minded and love their chosen profession – have increased, their intercultural and problem-solving skills have advanced. Their language skills have improved in both languages (English and German), they managed to pass language exams and their communication skills got even better.The receiving hotels in Cyprus can be found in the most favoured touristic areas. Aya Napa and its surroundings receive tens of thousands of tourists from all over the world all year round. Thanks to the positive opinions about students who took part in foreign internship in former years, the hotels in Cyprus continue to receive Hungarian trainees and they plan to expand this cooperation. Also our German training partner organises the foreign internship for Hungarian students in favoured, modern hotels. The foreign partners undertake to provide practical training for students at the hotel reception, in the concierge office, in restaurants, or as a tourist guide trainee in accordance with the expectations of the Hungarian party at very high level. The training should be adjusted to the Hungarian training system and assure the development of students’ professional and language skills. For the Hungarian trainees it is an important task-beside their everyday duties – to observe the different trends of hospitality, sales methods and techniques, novices of organising events and the new trends in marketing. So that they would be able to observe these areas, their teachers help them to prepare for these activities and the work diary they have to complete while abroad is supplemented with extra documentation. With the help of this they call the trainee’s attention how the high standard service can be made up with creative ideas to make it even more attractive for visitors with great expectations who have more and more requirements in return of their money.Mobilities start in July 2016 in hotels in Cyprus and Germany and continue with mobilities in spring 2017 with targets in Cyprus. Selected students can spend their obligatory practice officially abroad, not inland. The teaching staff stated, that for the selected trainees the absence due to foreign internship do not hinder them in their studies and they can easily catch up with the others within a short period. The project supposes the close cooperation among our language and professional theoretical and practical knowledge t
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