Truckstars on the road
Start date: Sep 1, 2014,
End date: Aug 31, 2016
In our school we have a long tradition to be open to all facilities society offers to participate actively in our community. One of these facilities is participating in European programs, abroad internships and mobilities for students and for teachers.
With this project we try to give participants a more clear and critical view on what Europe offers and what could be the influence of European law into our daily life and into transport as well.
Besides we want to encourage the participants to active citizenship and to maintain the contacts which are build up in a foreign language. We aim for a clear effect with every participant to lower the threshold to speak and use the English language. Finally participants should be able to optimize their driving skills and to apply in a different setting.
The participants to the project are boys/girls of at least 19 years old and they have already achieved their C/CE-driving licenses. In a period of 2 years a maximum of 5 participants will be allowed to go to Finland for 3 weeks. Hereby they can supplement their weekly internship with a European internship.
The participants are involved into an eTwinning project to get acquainted to abroad internships, customs and habits. Clear objectives will help them to get prepared for the mobility to go to Finland. By taking small steps they will meet a class in the same department where other habits apply.
ICT-skills will be adequately trained during this eTwinning project because they are necessary to communicate, discuss and share our assignments and learning outcomes.
The partner organisation provides activities in order to achieve the objectives. This will happen in consultation with the 2 accompanying teachers of TISL. Participants will be able to visit several transport companies in the area and a cargo harbour at the seaside.
They will also be able to use all kinds of truck combinations from the partner organisation as to get as much exercises as possible. The participants will be challenged to improve and practise their driving skills and techniques because at TISL we have different kinds of truck combinations. An important objective for these activities is peer collaboration because youngsters learn quite a lot and easily from each other.
The learning process and the learning outcomes will be presented by each participant in front of a jury at TISL. This is the final part of their integrated assignment which is built up around for 4 internship specialties during their school year. Teachers of this class, a delegate of the national transport organisation and managers and drivers from transport companies are involved in the jury. Their opinions and assessments are crucial and important for all particpants.
Due to the abroad internship we would like to contribute to a greater understanding and common sense between Belgian and foreign truck drivers both home and abroad. The impact of Europe in transport is huge and this is what pupils are experiencing during their weekly internship. It is an important responsibility of education to sensitize our youth about how Europe operates and that its influence on our daily life situation is becoming bigger each day.
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