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Trindade - Inprovement of competences and skills trough the partnership
Start date: Sep 10, 2016, End date: Sep 9, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Braća Radić High school from Kaštel Štafilić has been active from 1958 and educates students in programs such as agriculture, veterinary medicine, nutrition and forestry. Along with those vocational programs there are also programs of general and language grammar school. The vocational part of the lessons is carried out on two levels, the theoretical and practical one. Due to economy shortcomings in the County of Split-Dalmatia, our vocational educational programs do not have firm support for practical lessons and those shortcomings are especially felt in the occupation of veterinary technician.As the means to conduct the adequate professional practice in the scope of our school are limited, the school has decided to supplement insufficient resources with cooperation with institutions from abroad and in 2016 it applied with the project entitled “Trindade – Improvement of Competencies and Skills through Partnership” with intention of improving its educational potentials.The main aim of the project is to allow students the acquisition of practical knowledge and skills that would meet new challenges and growing demands of the labour market. The local community does not provide possibilities for the project participants of adequate professional practice in companies that use contemporary production processes and modern technology. Modest and scarce production facilities in the wider area have influenced the number of enrolled students to decrease although the offered vocational programs are of great importance for the sustainable development of the region. Insufficient and non-adequate school capacities disable the implementation of the practical lessons on such a quality level that our school wishes to offer to its students. Having professional practice in the companies which can offer them access to modern technologies and contemporary organization of production processes would give them valuable experience applicable in this area and also throughout the EU which actually promotes mobility of both goods and persons. Not only would this mobility projects leave a great impact to professional development of young workers, it would also have deep and far-reaching influence to personal development of young participants.The anticipated time of mobility is period through September 2016 to September 2017. In the 8th month of the project implementation the visit of our students to the Portuguese town of Montijo is planned in duration of 13 days where they will have practical lessons on the cattle farms and study the process of food preparation and cattle feeding, the analysis of food nutrition values, breeding and artificial insemination. The project includes mobility of 20 students from the veterinary technician program accompanied by 2 teachers from the same educational program.During the implementation of this project we shall apply the principles of good managing, transparency and data availability and also the participative principle.Along with the mobility itself, the project includes a number of preparatory activities that will facilitate the participants’ stay and work abroad, those 5 workshops include the preparation of students in terms of foreign language acquisition, the psychological and cultural preparation, risk prevention, info workshop, meeting with their parents and seminars on work protection. Along with the above-mentioned, we shall also deal with the journey organization, accommodation and optional activities for the Project participants too. Special attention was given to development of the plan of dissemination of the project results whose positive experiences and project outcomes are planned to be transferred to vocational schools but also to other relevant subjects in the community. Furthermore, substantial efforts shall be made to promote the Project in the media.Additional value to the Project outcomes shall also be the signing of the memorandum on cooperation between the Applicant and the representative of the local and regional self-government for the purpose of promotion of the continuing education improvement, the system of mobility with aim to learn and promotion of vocational programs necessary to sustainable development of the rural area.
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