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Trilateral cooperation on Environmental Challenges in the Joint Border Area (TEC)
Start date: Feb 29, 2012, End date: Jan 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Assessment tools for detecting the effects of harmful substances, water regulation and climate change will be developed in the Finnish, Norwegian and Russian border region within the project. The aim of the project is to develop tools used by environmental authorities and researchers when assessing the impacts of airborne emissions, regulation of waterways and climate change on the environment. These tools are assessment systems, based on environmental monitoring and research of meteorological, hydrological and ecological models. Achievements: The project conducted research that addressed several current areas of interest in the Pasvik watercourse area. The climate change in the border area and the Kola Peninsula was assessed based on a long time series of meteorological observations. A clear change towards increase in temperature and precipitation could be seen. Transboundary pollution was modeled and the results show that SO2 emissions from the facilities in Nikel and Zapolyarny in the Pechenga area in Russia move to Finnish and Norwegian territory by air. The project developed a monitoring programme to assess the effects and extent of this airborne pollution.The effects of pollutants, water level regulation and climate change on the ecological condition of the Pasvik River and Lake Inarijärvi was studied. Lake Inarijärvi was found to be in a good state both chemically and biologically, but parts of the Pasvik River suffer from pollution. Water level regulation has changed the ecology of the waterways. Climate change will also cause changes as the rising water temperature will shift the fish species community, for instance. The existing lake monitoring network was developed further. The small lakes of the border area were monitored and a better monitoring programme based on the most representative lakes and sensitive and cost-effective variables was developed.The results of the project have wide application. The raw data is of high quality and can be used in future scientific publications. The assessment of climate change in the area and its effect on the regulated water bodies can be of use internationally.The Final report of the Project: "Environmental Challenges in the Joint Border Area of Norway, Finland and Russia" is a summary report for the project. The project Activities produced detailed expert reports on several different, environmentally relevant subjects in the Pasvik area, which have been compressed into chapters of shortened, simplified reports. Original full text reports are available at

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  • 33.1%   496 102,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Kolarctic ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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