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Triana´s youth moves through employability
Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project, “Triana’s Youth Moves with Employability” was developed to meetour students’ need to improve their language skills, to get to know other countries and to work in companies while developing their skills in another language in order to improve their CVs and become more competitive in today’s labour market. The project had two activities.;the first takes place to perform in the UK and has been designated for 3 students from of 2nd year of the sale experts course and , and one student from 2ndsecond year of the administration course, where they conducted complete their practices internshipsin British business for 1 month. We have had the help of our partner in Brighton with whom we have been cooperating for two years thanks to the ITV Leonardo project that we completed participated inthis year. And the company Abell Morris International company that has been very happy with our student and has hosted more students in higher grade and we will continue with them. The objective of this mobility has been that students undertake internships in companies related to their professional profiles. In this sense our partner who has a large network of companies will be responsible for selecting the companies which meet the students´ profiles and their training programme. Our partner will assign a mentor , DAvid Wyseman, who together with a tutor of the company will be responsible for evaluating fulfillment of agreement previously agreed. During the mobility , our students have been follwed -up by a few of teachers ., in October and in March. The second event has been held in Germany, in the region of Leipzig, has been realized for 1recent graduates,and 3 students of 2nd course of Technician in Electrical and Automatic Installations, and Technician in Telecommunications Installations ,who practiced in a training center specializing in these branches. Our partner has a long experience , about 17 years, giving training to young professional training in technical fields of electricity, electronics, telecommunication, many European countries, being an international meeting focused on the needs of small and medium enterprises both local workshops and from German companies of their environment with which it collaborates. The goals we have achieved with this project have been: • Improving employability and competitiveness of our students vocational intermediate level ..62.5 % (5 of 8 alumns ) around mobility have been hired. • Adapt our training to the real needs of the European labor market. • Increase the language skills of our students. • Encourage the use of tools validation and recognition of training periods in Europe. • Increase network in Europe with training centers, businesses and other organizations involved in training and employment. • Further promote the European spirit and European mobility in our center to get in this way a more cohesive society. • Encourage non discrimination on any grounds of gender, religious or cultural. • Improve transparency and recognition of qualifications and competences acquired • Progress towards the internationalization strategy of our Center. • Improve the attractiveness of education and vocational training. WE have achieved to put our center as a reference center in our city, for vocational students who go to the labor market, both national and European, for companies that seek to employ our students for the quality of its skills, increase our European dimension, knowing how other countries work with the youth of Vocational training.
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