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Trening czyni mistrza - kreujemy przyszłość zawodową uczniów Zespołu Szkół w Gorzowie Śląskim
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project refers to the two –week and one-month traineeship for 50 students from 4 different vocational schools: Technical school in Agriculture (13 students), Technical school in building constructure (9 students), Technical school in services in hairdressing ( 10 students), and Technical school in nutrition and food services (18 students). The project refers to students from II and III year of learning in Technical School in Gorzów Śląski. The partnership, which has been confirmed by the letter of intent, consists of: 1.Technical School in Gorzów Śląski as a sending institiution 2. Voactional training facility in construction industry Berlin-Brandenburgia- partner number one 3. The Chamber of Crafts in Frankfurt/Oder –partner number two 4. The Chamber of Crafts in Cottbus –partner number 3 5. The Chamber of Crafts in Poczdam- partner number 4 6. ESKO Kotowski KG/ the guesthouse Imbachhorn- partner number 5 The aims of the projects: 1. Improvement of professional skills 2. Improvement of foreign language 3. Increasing intercultural awareness and European sense of the identity 4. Strengthening of self-esteem 5. Using the ECVET elements The partners established the contents according to school curriculum. Before leaving abroad students will take part in the language courses and advisory courses. Departures will be: 1. October 2015 Vocational training facility in construction industry Berlin-Brandenburgia in the training centre in Frankfurt/Oder- 8 students from Technical school in nutrition and food services. 2. October 2015 The chamber of crafts in Frankfurt/Oder for 10 students from Technical school in services in hairdressing 3. April 2016 the chamber of crafts in Cottbus , training centre for 9 students from technical school in building constucture 4. April 2016 the chamber of crafts in Poczdam in training centre in Gotz for 13 students from technical school in agriculture. 5. March-April 2016 ESKO Kotowski KG/ guesthouse Imbachhorn for 10 students from technical school in nutrition and food services Professional and communication skills will be developed according to German methodology. Students will improve their skills in small groups using materials available during the traineeship.They will gain the experience in nutrition and food services. They will also improve their language skills and learn new professional vocabulary . These traineeships will help students to improve their knowledge and learn new skills. For students: -improve vocational competencies -develop foreign language -increase multicultural consciousness and European sense of the identity Thanks to traineeship students will improve their vocational competencies and develop the key competencies such as: 1. Communication in foreign language 2. Self-development in learning process 3. Mathematical skills and technical skills 4. Social and multicultural skills 5. Creative way of working in groups, independence Measurable effects of the project will be: -Achieve new professional skills - Gain international certificate Europass, Mobility and Europass CV, qualifications ECVET Students will gain experience which help them to find more attractive job in the future. They will face with a new culture and mentality. The foreign traineeship for students makes Technical school in Gorzów Śląski more attractive for local society and local employers.

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5 Partners Participants