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Tremplin vers une intégration professionnelle réussie en Grande Région
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Bonnevoie vocational high school has expertise in initial vocational training and in drafting projects in partnership with actors from the other sides of the border.The project “Stepping stone to a successful job entry in the Greater Region” prepares students for vocational training, through meeting more companies, including on the other side of the border; it develops their ability to mobility, whether for future vocational training, employment or training. Thanks to its cultural and linguistic dimension, it fosters a sense of belonging to the Greater Region. It also facilitates mobility through the recognition of skills based on existing European tools. A strong socio-educational support is provided and increases the chances of success. Indeed, the 20 pupils concerned are vulnerable young people with learning difficulties and / or socio-economic and even family, a public often fearing mobility: they need more supportIn September 2016 the students will visit for the first time the partner institutions in Belgium and France.From October 2016 to July 2018, languages is taught with a direct link to the company activity and all along the programme.Each semester, students travel 12 days in a partner country to follow a training module, involving periods of training within the school, in a business and more widely in the territory.This project develops cooperation between schools and companies in the same territory, serving young people most in need. If experience shows its relevance, this type of training in cooperation with businesses and with cross-border modules will be extended to all high schools registering students with academic difficulties. To say it short, the project creates more opportunities for training and employment for youth at risk of dropping out or already dropping.
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