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TREES - Three-dimensional Resources for Enhancing E-Skills
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Over the past decade, Europe has made crucial strategic choices, where the building of a globally competitive and inclusive economy focused on environmental protection and innovation plays a key role. The financial downturn makes the implementation of such strategies even more difficult and expensive and, at the same time, important. Statistics on youth unemployment rate (15-24 years) that in 2013 reached 24%, reflect The urgent need to prioritise and improve youth employment conditions. Moreover, it seems to be quite a commonly held view that the new manufacturing techniques, new consumption patterns and new behaviours are a breeding ground for stimulating economic growth all around Europe, without undermining its ambition to be a world leader in productivity, innovation and inclusion. So, Information technology and communication (ICT) and computer skills are crucial for activating this process based on the creating/rethinking new products and services. However, it is important to point out that such potential is threatened by the shortage of qualified and skilled workers. The impact of technology on this process can play a significant role. 3D printing, for example, provides benefits of cost savings and times for prototype. As world, and the labour market, are becoming more and more digital, TREES aims at laying the foundations in VET field for fostering mechanical engineering, handicraft, Open source philosophy and ICT. The project wants to make qualified personnel available to the local and regional community, in order to develop and experiment innovative tools and applications, So, the main aim is to introduce new highly-creative, innovative, sustainable and technological products and services on the market In line with the Europe 2020 strategy and with the strategy ET2020 (ET 2020), the project aims to offer them a real opportunity for personal and professional growth in order to increase a full and immediate employability in the specific local labour market, through the following activities: • Recognition of previously acquired competences • Vocational training (“2d/3d Solid/Surface modelling for 3d printing (mechanical engineering, handicraft)” • Transnational mobility (job learning). Involving 162 students divided into different mobility flows to the partner countries (Portugal, Spain, Germany, France, UK and Malta), the project aims at consolidating/acquiring students’ linguistic and digital competences, with a special focus on “digital fabrication”. In fact, the mobility will give students a chance to experiment “digital fabrication” applied to different fields, from 3D printing and devices such as Laser Cutter, Cutting Plotter and CNC Cutting Machine. TREES Consortium is a local network with a key added value for its members. Their cooperation can create the basis for an integrated response to beneficiaries’ needs. The Laboratory has involved in the Consortium EGInA, a training agency experienced in designing European projects, with a special focus on testing and implementation ECVET, a key tool that supports quality in mobility. Concerning the transnational mobility assessment, TREES will use the following indicators and tools: 1) Participants’ satisfaction about the experience of transnational mobility (assessed thorough a questionnaire and the score / comments published online on the boards of the host partner in the platform EUKCEM). 2) Trainees’ detailed final report- 3) Internship host structures’ final detailed reports (personal transcripts) edited by hosting partners’ and intermediary partners’ tutors. 4) The meeting between the tutor and the beneficiary to get more information and a comprehensive assessment of the mobility. 5) A final evaluation report edited by the tutor on the basis of information obtained from the documents described previously. This report will be shared with all interested parties, including the National Agency.
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6 Partners Participants