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Treasures Revealed (T.R.)
Start date: Jun 30, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

T.R. aims to regenerate three town centres, through the creation of a dynamic & attractive cultural and tourist offer. The partners wish to work together to jointly exploit the cultural potential of their 3 cultural venues: Boulognes crypt, Canterbury Art Museum & Library and the Folkestone History centre. T.R.s partners realised they were facing the same issues and that substantial added value could be brought to their projects by working together & pooling their knowledge. They therefore decided to create new crossborder networks in conservation, restoration, archaeology and education but also between curators, restoration & technical experts, and between museum specialists and community engagement experts. The project will develop the tourist and cultural offer by improving visitor centres and community involvement. Partners will then be better placed to promote the common heritage of the project and its results and activities thanks to a joint methodology and bilingual tools. Expected Results: What are the key results of the project?Activity 1.- 12 specialist exchanges (4 archeology, 8 Education)- 40 archaeology workshops, involving almost 10,000 people- 80 restoration workshops involving almost 3000 people- 2 exchange visits to excavations and 'mock excavation tools'- 1000 schoolchildren involved in piloting learning tools restoration processes- Archaeology + restoration exhibitions shown in high profile areas of 3 townsActivity 2.- 6 specialist working group meetings & articles published online- 50% increase in residents & 40% increased visitor numbers- More dynamic cultural centres thanks to numerous educational workshops and events taking place in community spaceActivity 3.- 9 learning officers and museum specialists exchanges- 100 workshops involving 2500 schoolchildren- Learning boxes completed- 3 Cross border school exchanges to pilot the educational tools- Installation of accessible explorer points & discovery tools- Exchange of exhibits between the centresAre all partners and territories benefitting from the results?Target groups and beneficiaries:These are the schools and colleges, a wide range of cultural practitioners and local communities, tourists, young people, disadvantaged people (including those who have mobility problems, learning disabilities, are from minority ethnic communities or are economically disadvantaged), people who havent used cultural facilities or who dont use them regularly.Benefits for territory:These include more attractive town centres thanks to the creation of 3 new tourist assets, new cross-border partnerships established in archaeology, museum and cultural heritage fields, improved access to their cross-border cultural heritage thanks to new cultural centres, bilingual educational tools & programmes, joint exhibitions, discovery tools, new modern cultural centres, increased visitors & involvement from communities and tourists, contribution to economic regeneration which in turn maintains & creates jobs.What are the effects / outcomes for the territories involved?There will be improved learning and awareness of cultural heritage, increased community and schoolchildren involvement in the centres through extensive educational programmes and outreach programmes, increased visitor and community involvement in the new up to date cultural centres, improved involvement in and awareness of cultural heritage through community engagement workshops and events, substantially increased numbers of new users and visitors to the centres, improved access to and discovery of the centres through explorer points, exchange of exhibits and discovery tools.

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  • 50%   1 462 682,00
  • 2007 - 2013 2 SEAS (FR-UK-BE-NL)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants