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Transversal Multilinear Harmonic Analysis (TMHA)
Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"This proposal consists of two intimately related programmes. The aim of Programme 1 is to make major contributions to the celebrated restriction theory for the Fourier transform and combinatorial problems of Kakeya-type using emerging multilinear techniques. The aim of Programme 2 is to develop a multilinear perspective on a much broader family of curvature-related problems in harmonic analysis, including important classes of Radon-like transforms that arise naturally in the theory of dispersive partial differential equations.The specific objectives represent major challenges at the emerging frontiers of harmonic analysis with a variety of disciplines, including geometric analysis (encompassing heat-flow methods and convex geometry), affine geometry and algebraic topology."
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