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Transporto ir logistikos sektoriaus specialistų profesinių kompetencijų tobulinimas Europoje
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In Lithuania and other EU countries there is a tendency that staff from transport and logistics sector is needed more and more. According to this information and to the fact, that members of Consorcium seeks to prepare qualified specialists in transport and logistics sector, was decides that students must have opportunity to gain practice abroad. The project is dedicated to 30 students from transport and logistics sector from 3 vocational training schools in Lithuania. The main aim of the project- to give theoretical knowledge and practical experience to the participants of the project. This will help them to have easier integration to labour market. This project also will help to the participants of the project to become more tolerant, more punctual, more responsible. Participants of the projects will improve their professional foreign language as well. Leading teacher will take part in the project too. This project also will be very useful for them, because they will get information about professional education and training in other country. Later they will be able to use innovations from other country in Lithuanian vocational training. Project's hosting partners are from Germany, Spain and Portugal. Project's coordinator is Vilnius Vocational training school of railway and business services. After realization of the project these skills of students from transport and logistics sector will be improved: students will get information about management and organization in logistic company; they will learn to work with e-data; they will learn to work with warehouse management programme; they will get information about forwarding cargo; they will broaden cultural, historical, foreign language knowledge; they will get information about employment possibilities abroad; they will find frinds/colleagues abroad.
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3 Partners Participants