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Transnational Network for enhancing the Mediterranean organic olive-growing competitiveness (BIOLMED)
Start date: Mar 4, 2007, End date: Sep 29, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

General objective is the improvement of the Mediterranean organic olive growing competitiveness. The proposal foresees the creation of a permanent transnational network of BIOL quality circles (C2) based on some consolidated experiences at local level (Biol Prizes). BIOL quality circles will have the aim to sustain the agriculture company development aimed at the organic olive oil quality improvement, to promote regional meetings, to support the organization of the Biol Exhibitions at local level and on sharing of regional initiatives through a network. The project, through the editing of quality production chain manuals and of a catalogue on innovation, aims to share and transfer good practices to improve the production chain quality and its environmental impact, as well as to create and to spread company integrated management systems on organic product quality -C3, support the nnovative information system-C4.In order to develop local markets, the project foresees the sharing and the realization of Group Purchasing Organisation and Farmers Markets (C5), favouring the purchasing directly from small local producers. The whole project is particularly orientated to the sharing and transfer of project results, particularly contributing to the 4 BIOL prizes organisation – C6. Biolmed involve 8 regions and 5 mediterranean countries. Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startThe project BIOLMED has been launched to improve the organic olive-growing chain in the Mediterranean area through the stimulation of the competitiveness, the sharing of technical information, the updgrading of the agronomic practices, especially related to the plant control, the establishment of a quality manual of the production chain, the sharing of the certification procedures through the use of a new and original software, the organization of technical assistance and several farmer-and consumer-oriented activities (workshop, seminars, visits), the establishment of a permanent trans-national network, a series of local and international scientific seminars and the assembling of a study of the innovative aspects of the olive-oil prouction chain together with the preparation of catalogues of innovations and products of the Mediterranean area.Latest project activities and outputsThe project is arrived to the end after the final meeting held in Zakinthos on September 15-16, 2011. The final meeting of the Biolmed was organized by TEI of Ionian Islands. This meeting was organised in conjunction with the 6th International Conference of AgriBioMediterraneo (ABM), IFOAM: Organic Agriculture and Agro-Eco Tourism in the Mediterranean . The meeting was opened by T. Miano, Biolmed Project Leader and followed by several contributors. Then, a public workshop was celebrated, where all the Board members of the AgribioMediterraneo (ABM) IFOAM Regional Group were present. As many as 60 persons, coming from different countries, attended the workshop. The 4 Biolmed Services Centers (Greece, Italy, Malta and Spain) supported actively the different activities of the Group Purchasing Organisations (GPO) and the Farmers Markets (MA), to promote marketing in short chains marketing and consumption of organic products. Several farm-oriented activities were also organized.Next key steps for the projectFurther harmonization among partners has to be further implemented to reduce constraints and technical issues. Further inputs will be allocated to the front office activities and center services for the communication activities. Few tasks will be completed by the deadline. Further meetings for the software definition will take place. The final meeting is going to be organized in Zakintos.

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  • 76%   1 119 382,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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8 Partners Participants