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Transformar XIV
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Professional training and human resources development are key elements for the enhancement of tourism quality in Portugal. The “TRANSFORMAR” project - Trans-European Training in Tourism was implemented 13 years ago to meet the training needs in an European context of the students belonging to the Hospitality Schools network of Turismo de Portugal, I.P.. The experience of undergoing an internship in different environments and work contexts in which those students are usually inserted, turns them into more open and tolerant citizens towards the difference, more observers, in order to enable them to create and develop professional and personal anticipation tools. The range of projects carried out so far has allowed fulfilling the huge success of this action, which we can already classify as unique, justified for its continuity and longevity within a public body. The “TRANSFORMAR XIV” project aims to provide the achievement of mobility and professional training in a real work environment, in order to improve and apply the skills and competences acquired by students as part of their training. This experience is an asset to the students, once allows: a) to put into practice their knowledge, acquire new skills and subsequently share with other students and with trainers; b) the development of language and intercultural skills; c) the development of their relational and communication skills; d) the acquisition of new knowledge in terms of means, resources and organizational forms of enterprises; e) the experience of an exchange practice and the consequent establishment of professional relations based on other professionals, companies and agencies. The TRANSFORMAR XIV project beneficiaries are students in initial training at the network of Hospitality and Tourism Schools (12) of Turismo de Portugal, I.P., which conclude with success: a) the 2nd year of the Professional Qualification Level IV courses: Kitchen Techniques / Pastry; Technical Restaurant Service and drinks and Tourism and Hospitality Operations; b) the 2nd half of Professional Qualification Level V courses: Kitchen Management and Production; Pastry Management and Production; Hospitality Management; Food and Beverage Hotel Management; Tourism Management and Culinary Arts. Mobility will last for four weeks and will be held preferably between February and September, having Turismo de Portugal, I.P. to combine the achievement of mobility with the realization of internships that all students should perform in Portugal. Mobility also consists in the integration of the student in OJT work in companies, previously selected by the partner institution, always with the Tourism de Portugal, I.P. agreement, namely: a) 4 and 5 star hotels and top restaurants - for students of Kitchen Service Technical courses / Pastry and Kitchen Management and Production / Pastry, Food and Beverage Service Techniques, Hospitality Management, Hospitality Management, Food and Beverage Management, Tourism and Hospitality Operations and Culinary Arts; b) Tourism Entities (Tourism Offices and Tour Operators), Theme Parks and Entertainment and Leisure Companies - for students of Tourism Management and Tourism and Hospitality Operations courses. The human resources policy, aiming to respond to the objectives defined in the tourism development strategy based on service quality and competitive offer, calls for: - Skills enhancement in the areas of welcoming, service, management and entrepreneurship; and - Better training, particularly on-the-job and in emerging professional areas. The expected impact of the participating students in this project is mainly connected to the strengthening of skills in the areas of welcoming, service, management and entrepreneurship. On the other hand, there are emerging needs that reveal new functions that have to be well managed and developed by the major contribution to the tourism growth. Aware that tourism is a constant evolution, with a strong international dimension and where creativity and entrepreneurship are critical to their development, it is essential to prepare young people. The integration of qualified young people in tourism, with a European vision and experience, together with the current professionals can contribute to a more sustainable value chain and a better tourist experience. This application is not intended to respond, but to consolidate and contribute to the progress of the national tourist activity in the field of knowledge innovation, introduction of new practices, dynamics and processes developed globally.
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5 Partners Participants