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Transferencia de la innovación de herramienta TIC para el autodiagnóstico medioambiental y método de formación de gran interés para el sector agroalimentario.

Justification of the need at international level: The project answer a triple need of the agricultural sector and the agri-food related SMEs in the European rural areas:a).- The existing environment-related training shortage and of eco-efficiency measures of the European SMEs of the rural area,b).- The scarce implemenntation degree of environmental management systems (EMAS, ISO 14.000) considering their peculiar difficulties by reason of size and typology of enterprise.c).-The limited use of ICT tools in the SMEs of the primary-sector being reluctant to introduce innovation given its deep traditional feature.Main objective and specific aims: The main project objective is to transfer the innovation of some tools and methodologies elaborated in the development of a LIFE project of the European Union to the lifelong-learning ambit. These tools and methodologies demonstrated the generation of specialized employment in the environmental field adopting the basis of a gradual approach to EMAS (CE 761/2001 Regulation), together with the implementation of Best Practices (BPs) in the field of the Environment.The project proposal will transfer an environmental self-testing tool based on the ICTs and aimed at the European SMEs in the agri-food sector to:1).-Generate a material of great interest for developing participatory training processes for the SMES of the European rural area.2).-Associate the training processes to the obtaining of environmental improvements and economic savings in the participating SMEs.3).-Upgrade approaches supporting the implementation of environmental management systems (EMAS) in the SMEs of the European rural areas in a sector hard to innovate.4).-To promote the ICTs use in the rural area and in SMEs belonging to the agri-food sector.The project partners represent amply the sector this project proposal is aimed (agricultural and agri-food sector), transnational dimension of the developments (4 EU countries), technical-professional solvency in the action ambits (training, ICT and Environment), multi-agent character of key entities for valorisation and exploitation of results and experience in transnational cooperation.Main tangible results: environmental self-testing tool based on the ICTs in 4 languages, lifelong-learning pedagogical method associated to the self-testing, manual of Best Environmental Practices for the European rural SMES of the agricultural sector, project web, dissemination products and virtual office of technical assistance.The project impact estimates the participation of 50 SMEs in the demonstration action at international level, the access through the ICTs and the qualification of more than 50 SMEs in the demonstration action at international level, the access through ICTs and the qualification of over 10.000 key participants at European level and the effective guarantee of a real exploitation of the results by means of professional associations and trade unions of the sector integrating the partner.

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5 Partners Participants