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Transfer of Recycling Car Technologies

More than 90% of companies in recycling industry are SMEs, needing an urgent support for competency improvement. The TransRec partners have contacted SMEs and SME associations and analysed the situation in this sector in EU and found out that a clear need to achieve the declared objectives regarding environmental protection is the application of advanced continuous trainings of the SME staff. The cross-regional character and high variety of this sector with many specific areas (often low number of SMEs in one region in a specific area) and a need for cost-effective training solutions impose the requirement to provide solutions comprehensive enough to be useful for general recycler and for different specific areas (paper recycling, end-of-life vehicles (ELV) - recycling etc.) and for different countries.The project aims at provision of a cost-effective, comprehensive training system for SMEs in recycling domain covering 2 topics: (a) general recycling technologies, (b) car recycling technologies. The objective is to provide unified training content applicable in different EU countries and recycling areas for 3 target groups: management staff, technical staff, SME staff to be educated.(The characteristics of the consortium that will implement the proposal):A set of courses on 2 above listed topics will be provided in 3 participating countries for recycling SMEs. Courses will consist of set of lessons specific for each target group and will be supported by training materials, including General Recycling Practice Handbook. Additionally, methodology for adaptation of existing courses to variety of sectoral and/or socio-cultural contexts, allowing efficient transferring of new results to further countries, and services for continuous update of content will be developed. Project results will be tested by recycling SMEs, using 3 demonstrators, 1 for each target group in 4 partner countries. It is expected that at least 20% of recycling SMEs in 3 countries use the results within next 3-5 years, having a considerable impact on education level, leading to higher sustainability of the sector.
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3 Partners Participants