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Transfer of inovation
Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The State School Center for education and rehabilitation “Parteniya Zografski” in Skopje, is the only High School in Macedonia for the education of students with damaged hearing. About 50 students with different levels of hearing damage are educated in the School.Why this Project is important to us as an only School of this type in Republic of Macedonia?- The Students have an opportunity to acquire professional competencies in two areas: machinery and textiles. This Project for them is an opportunity to acquire new skills and knowledge in the area of modern computer technologies, printing technology – offset printing. The Integration, from a social standpoint, is limited on social interactions with peers at the School and the living environment. It is absolutely important for these students to acquire new social connections outside of their environment which will affect on their personality development with exchange of knowledge, developing of intercultural and multilingual experiences with their peers from other Countries and developing of European conscience and European citizenry.- Characteristically for our School is the use of Macedonian Sign Language as a tool for a mutual communication which stands as a working method in teaching. The Teachers will have an opportunity to familiarize with the application of the European system of credit valuation in vocational education that will enable easier implementation in their courses and curricula. This project will include 10 students, 5 teachers and 2 teachers - accompanying persons.The students are aged from 16 to 18 years, from different towns in Macedonia, different social backgrounds, different genders, mixed ethnicity (Macedonians, Albanians, Roma) and have different levels of hearing impairment. Some of them are students in the Textile - Textile technician, part mechanical engineering - mechanical technician. They have developed basic computer skills, use of programs in the field of computer graphics, can rightfully and ethically behave while working on a computer. They have an experience of participation in international projects (Erasmus+ and e-twinning).Teachers who will participate in the Project have a lengthy experience in working with students with damaged hearing. All of them have completed an additional education in Defectology to work with students with damaged hearing. They all use sign language and English. They have participated in international projects that led to personal and professional development of teachers, and thus raising the quality of teaching.Duration of mobility of the students will be 14 days and 5 days for the teachers. Teachers will remain mobile for 5 days. All activities will be realized through theoretical lectures and workshops led by teachers from the host school. Our teachers will execute their "the job shadow".Theoretical knowledge students will apply with creation of creative products through which the project and the partner schools will be promoted. The progress of students will be followed by two teachers from the partner schools.For the teachers, training for EKVET education system, will be organized and conducted by the Host.The impact expected on participants of the European cooperation will be huge! The results and benefits for participants will be reflected in the professional and personal development.1. The Students will enrich their lingual-linguistic development with learning another sign language.2. The students will enrich their culture and social development with the knowing of another culture.3. The teachers will enrich their personal professional with learning of other forms, methods and techniques of working with students with damaged hearing.4. Application of new skills and integration within the existing curricula.5. Introduction of news in the lecturing organization.For the progress follow-up of the students, the responsibility lies with the teachers – accompanying persons from our school. They will have a portfolio for every student, mark all the activities of the student, its behavior, attendance, engagement. After mobility is finished, the students are filling mobility report.Through these results, a local and national influence will be reached, in order to improve the educational process at our school and to motivate our young students for the expected jobs after finishing the school and not to be afraid by the challenges arising from the future employment. Also, the teachers will improve their pedagogical approach and lecturing process and which will be shared with the rest of the Personnel. This is what gives a long term significance of the Project. This Project is a great step forward for us and for the other schools for students with the special needs in Macedonia, because it will erase the limitations of language and capability and we will have a transfer of knowledge.

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