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Transfer of Competencies for Vocational Training in Ecological Agrarian Sector of Baltic States

Meeting an identified need for development within VET in newly acceded EU Member States, specific to environmental and organic farming practices, this project will enable the transfer of knowledge across the participating countries through the development of a network for the promotion of agricultural/academic links and through the development and introduction of related curricula in the newly acceded EU Member States. Short study visits will be undertaken from the Baltic States to study vocational training competencies in Germany and the UK with the vocational training curriculum of the DE and UK partners being made into a CD-Rom for review by the Baltic partners. Modern training practices will then be adapted and developed to suit conditions in the Baltic States allowing these partners to work together in the preparation of appropriate curricula focusing upon the agri-environment, organic crop production & horticulture, ecological animal husbandry and the economics & marketing of ecological farming. The approved curriculum will be further piloted in the Baltic States with a focus upon e-learning and the results of the pilot phase will influence any final curriculum development. The developed teaching material will be produced in all partner languages in both traditional (handbook) and electronic (CD-Rom, web-based) format. Close co-operation will be sought with public administration bodies to support the potential future accreditation of the developed course curricula and study materials. Dissemination activities will include the hosting of an international conference, the release of articles to relevant press/journals and the publishing of the end project report.

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9 Partners Participants