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Transfer of Building Information Modelling Training Tool for the Increasing Competencies of Building Sector Specialists

(BIM) is the process of generating and managing building data during its life cycle, including the processes of construction and facility operation. Typically BIM uses three-dimensional, real-time, dynamic building modeling software to increase productivity in building design and construction.However, most architects/engineers in Lithuania and Latvia (as well as in other Western European countries (The Business Value of BIM in Europe, 2010)) make design drawings by using 2D computer-aided design (i.e., drawings and specifications) as the primary means to represent and communicate design intent for client approval, bidding, procurement, fabrication, construction and installation. At the same time, most of the construction workers have limited knowledge in using ICT solutions in construction process. The main addressed problem by BIMTRAIN project - lack of relevant skills, knowledge and tools related to BIM both in VET, higher education and business sectors, what does not allow to exploit the possibilities provided by ICT during construction process.BIMTRAIN project covered 7 partners form 3 countries. The project consortium was formed in order to reach a balance between various stakeholders covering all the relevant experience and sectors:- Itannex (the Netherlands), UAB AGA CAD (Lithuania), SIA AGA (Latvia) - represents private sector and are experienced organizations both in providing specialised trainings, and in development various programming solutions for this target group, including BIM. - RIVC represents NGO sector, which experts have huge experience in project management, EU project management, innovation transfer, educational sector and qualification analysis. - VSRC, VGTU, RTU represents educational organizations, responsible for educating main target group and would be very important multipliers of the BIMTRAIN tool to the whole VET system.The main project result created and adapted English, Lithuanian and Latvian version of tool, aimed at the provision of training in BIM used both by educational institutions and private companies.Target groups of BIMTRAIN project:- Lecturers, students and pupils of construction, architecture, engineering studies;- Employees of construction, architecture and design companies.The transferred product extended the use of training tool to Lithuania, Latvia area and created preconditions of expansion to other geographical areas (using English version of the tool). It is expected that in the long-term the tool would be used by the business companies, educational institutions in UK, Ireland, and Nordic countries - the developed tool is already used by at 8 educational institutions and more than 20 private companies.
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6 Partners Participants