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Transfer of BEQUAL tool and development of a Community of Practice for Quality Assurance in VET
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will transfer good practice from previous Leonardo da Vinci development of innovation project 142211-LLP-1-2008-1-GR-LEONARDO-LMP, which have been successfully implemented in 6 EU countries (France, Greece, Germany, Romania, Spain and Switzerland) in the period 2008-2010. The project transfers innovative content to three EU countries (Latvia, Czech Republic and Finland). The innovative content transferred consists of: 1/Electronic benchmarking tool for quality assurance in VET, which offers opportunity for VET providers to compare their performance with similar institutions in their country or in other European countries, and helps to identify their strong and weak points, thus setting preconditions for improvement; 2/Web based quality sharing network and good practice center establishing Community of Practice; 3/ Thematic portal as a reference point for practitioners, researchers and policy makers in VET; To help make the previous project more self-sustaining, the new one will adapt and pilot the benchmarking tool to VET systems in the recipient countries, will contribute to expansion of Community of Practice, involving more countries, and will enhance the thematic portal with three new language versions, Latvian, Finnish and Czech, as well as with new content, various documents, links, articles, videos. In the process of transfer, the project will fully adapt and translate the materials developed in previous project for use in the new contexts. The new countries have been chosen to provide the maximum breadth of application and to provide an effective foundation for further transfer across Europe. The Greek partner IDEC as a contractor and coordinator of the previous project (BEQUAL) will be transferring (exporting) the innovative content. The applicant will be importing the innovation, which will eventually upgrade its ability to implement quality assurance in VET. The other partners from Latvia, Czech Republic and Finland will be importing the innovation as well, contributing for a wider geographical coverage. The composition of the partnership allows for provision of different expertise and provides the necessary different points of view in the transfer and adaptation of the products, and assures the highest possible impact of the findings and dissemination.

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