European Projects
Start date: Sep 30, 2008,
End date: Jun 29, 2012
TransEco is an economic programme to develop and promote the cross-border region, so as to increase business opportunities in the area. Companies are given the opportunity to reach new target groups, tofind new partners and to invest in new economic sectors. Achievements: Outcome statusThe Trans'Eco project focuses on two main areas: economic activation of the cross-border territory and its promotion.1. Economic activation of the cross-border territoryTo get a better idea of all the businesses in the cross-border area, the partners made an inventory and harmonised the data.They then analysed the socio-economic fabric of the area, which showed that the regions economic landscape mainly consists of VSEs and SMEs. As a result, the actions were aimed mainly at these groups. The project provided individual help to 94 VSEs/SMEs and self-employed people with their sales development activities across the border or with the development of eco- or Information and Communication Technology (ICT) activities.Parallel to the individual actions, 36 conferences or workshops were organised on different themes, bringing together 436 business leaders (176 FR and 260 BE). To give businesses the opportunity to present their knowhow, the Savoir-faire de Thiérache et du Sud Hainaut event was organised in 2011 and 2012.As the companies in the cross-border area have difficulties hiring staff, a feasibility study was conducted on the creation of a cross-border association of employers. The analysis showed that the housing for elderly people and disabled persons sector was best suited for an association of employers. Despite the proven existence of a need in the region, the benefitting companies showed little engagement, which makes the creation of the association for this sector quite risky. However, the very recent initiative of the Entreprises Porteuses dEmploi (job-creating companies) leading to the creation of an association of employers and a Entreprise de Travail Temporaire dInsertion (ETTI – temporary job agency) in the Aisne department could form an interesting lever to address some of the identified needs.Finally, four cross-border evenings brought together 256 business leaders, who took advantage of the occasion to establish business relationships on both sides of the border.2. Promotion of the cross-border territoryA logo and a visual chart were created to promote the TransEco project and the cross-border territory. The house style was used in brochures and files to introduce the project and to explain the advantages and opportunities of the proximity of the border for a 360°development of business. Furthermore, the website www.hatrium.eu was created as well as a Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/Hatrium.To seize the opportunity provided by the movie Rien a Déclarer (nothing to declare), the partners coordinated various meetings between local structures to put in place a common strategy for hospitality facilities and to take advantage of the spinoffs from the movie.This resulted in the Interreg Valorisation touristique autour du film Rien a Déclarer (Touristic valorisation of the movie Rien a Déclarer project).