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Start date: Nov 30, 2012, End date: May 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As a base for conservation and management decisions the status of the lynx population (distribution, population trend and size) will be surveilled through collection of chance observations (tracks, kills, sightings, etc.) and camera trapping. By implementing the SCALP criteria for the data analysis an international standard for data collection and evaluation will be adopted on the level of the Bavarian-Bohemian lynx population. To support the lynx monitoring the Large Carnivore Network (LCN), consisting of volunteers of different interest groups (hunters, foresters, nature conservationists, farmers, veterinarians), will be trained in documenting chance observations or potential livestock kills. The organisation of biannual meetings of the LCN will maintain acquired knowledge and serve as information exchange. To address the illegal killing of lynx a target group specific public relations work which is directed mainly towards hunters and farmers will be done on local and regional level. Existing training and educational material will be harmonized and exchanged with project partner. To reach broader public the lynx website and brochure will be updated and maintained, and educational multiplicators (conservationists, teach-the-teachers) will be further trained. To mitigate conflicts the LC fund for compensating livestock kills will be maintained and coordinated. The population viability and habitat suitability of the Bavarian-Czech lynx population will be analysed with project partners. (

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  • 75.5%   375 717,32
  • 2007 - 2013 Bavaria - Czech Republic (DE-CZ)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants