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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This is a staff mobility Project designed to cover the needs of IES ALBAL. It’s a comprehensive and vocational training school located in the Valencian Community, built in 2004, with 400 students and 60 teachers and which has increased the number still 935 students and 91 teachers. The students’ families come mostly from a medium-low socio- economic background, which provides a specific student profile with very concrete needs and a quite high rate of school failure in the first years of secondary education.This is an educational institution whose educational project is remarkable for three characteristics:- Multilingual programme: Foreign language and language diversity teaching is promoted in this centre. We have implemented a multilingual project for seven years; and we have bet for foreign languages learning pattern included in a programme of our native language learning (Valencian), which is taken by 30% of our students.- Inclusive equitable centre: this school tries to let all the student find their own space and allow them develop (physically and emotionally) as full human beings regardless of their capabilities or interests. Different programmes have been launched to take care of diversity (curricular diversification programme, after-school programme “Exit” “Integra” programme).- Innovative quality centre: That’s to say, this is a school where students get high quality education which will allow them continue with a successful personal and working life. Taking this context and students-teachers‘ profile into account, we are confronted with the following necessities: diminish school failure rate and increase students’ academic success that, for a number of reasons (behavioural problems, learning difficulties, etc.), can’t progress without support measures (teacher, leading team and staff in charge of mediation and problem-solving training); be able to direct, manage and organize our centre in a more efficient way and with better quality (training aimed at the leading team); necessity to get trained in foreign languages, CLIL methodology and new methodologies in foreign language teaching, if we want to widen our multilingual educational programme (teachers who take or will part in the multilingual programme and foreign languages teachers).According to these necessities, we have designed training activities which will allow teachers acquire competences which will let us introduce changes in our school that will lead us to get benefits in the long run. Basically, the activities will be the following:-Job-shadowing periods to observe:a) Diversity awareness programmes that will guide us to design new programmes and will contribute to get better results. We’ll get knowledge in innovative methodologies related to this kind of programmes.b) CLIL methodology and methodologies related to foreign language teaching. We’ll get to know good practice in foreign language teaching and content learning, integrated in a foreign language.c) Managing and organizing innovative efficient school systems that will let us establish more autonomous managing patterns.d) School violence prevention programmes.- Activities for foreign language learning: English courses to increase the number of teachers with B2 level of English competence.- Activities for foreign language teachers who want to improve their competence and discover more innovative methodologies.- Leading team training activities to let them get to know new leading techniques, new school managing ways, new conflict-solving tools and mediation techniques.- CLIL training activities.The staff that will take part in this training (18 teachers-20%) will set up, directed by the coordinators of this project a managing team that will organize the activities and will follow up the process. The result and impact which we expect to achieve could be summarize in an improvement in teachers’ competence (curricular methodology to attend diversity, to work in teams and participate in school managing, to get to know how to teach, to guaranty success, develop our own work and to take decisions which will lead us to an improvement), in being able of establishing cooperative working patterns with our partners, in increasing our centre possibilities by innovating and getting to be a quality centre (reduction of school failure rates and enjoy a good harmonic coexistence).

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