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Training4EQuality Package (T4EQuiP)
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Training 4E Quality Package is a project of CNCH Piatra Neamt, that meets the personal and individual needs of the teachers to develop and at the same time, the institutional need to consolidate its strategic methods of an efficient human resource. The project is based on the institutional need to discuss the contradiction between the ambition of this college to build a rational and steady educational environment so that teachers and students can collaborate to have an integrative and coherent perspective of the dynamic world they live in, to which they have to adjust, and the existence of some internal and external pressure factors which might impede this ambition. The aim of this project is to reduce the internal and external pressure factors by establishing a set of complex personal and professional competences of the teachers. The project is based on the following assumptions: - If the teachers master the appropriate methodology and possess the adequate pedagogical instruments specific to the century we live in, then the educational efficiency of the teachers will increase. - The more adequate are the teaching methods, the better results there will be. - The better access to the European methods of teaching, the less tensions there will be when implementing the new educational methods. The project aims to organize together with its European partners 6 mobilities for a total number of 24 teachers. These 6 activities within the programme have been selected according to the needs of the institution. The needs are mentioned within the European framework of the school. It is necessary to approach these needs as a whole. Therefore, the institutional and individual needs are interpreted as being directly connected. The T4EQuiP project areas of an integrated intervention: A1) Transdisciplinarity and interactivity into the lessons (activities: ICT for Collaborative, Project-Based, Teaching and Learning; Outdoor Education-Teaching Maths, Science and Art; Intercultural Syllabus to Teach and Learn Foreign Languages; Intercultural Syllabus to Teach and Learn History, Geography, Social Sciences) A2) Collaboration to improve the school-socio-affective (activities: Quality environment through building a system of efficient relationships and effective conflict management, Group dynamics and social skills in the classroom). All these carefully planned activities have as a main objective: 1. helping teachers to acquire competences in using new methodology and adequate instruments to develop students’ abilities according to the 21st century 2. increasing the teachers’ capacity to organize integrated teaching-learning classroom activities 3. encouraging the cooperation between teachers who teach different school subjects and their initiatives to organize some interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary acitivities in the classroom 4. improving the offer of the curriculum 5. increasing the professional and personal capacity to relate to one another effectively 6. raising the individual ability to support the institutional effort to implement the new strategy of education The main objectives of the project emerge from the European strategies and the institutional strategies mentioned in the European plan of development. The expected changes are: -To improve the level of professional competence of the staff -To meet the national and European expectations -To educate the students effectively -To improve the school-socio-affective quality environment The original element within this project is given by the integrative approach of the individual and institutional needs; European solutions to these problems are provided by the proposed training package.
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