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Training Trainers for Migrants and Roma
Start date: Jan 1, 2012,

VET provision has achieved a significant degree of convergence among EU countries; however its effect on social inclusion policies is questioned. Research findings show that participation in mainstream adult training programs is lowest for those that need it most. VETMIRO partnership finds that this gap is related to the degree that VET provision addresses the impact of social factors in the learning process of disadvantaged groups, especially of different social background as in the case of migrant and Roma population. So, the Project aims at improving the quality of VET provision, focusing especially on its connection to social cohesion. Its objective is to develop a training material (curriculum+ lesson plans) that will familiarize VET teachers with assessing and addressing learning behaviours and stances of adult learners with a social exclusion life-trajectory. To achieve that, the project includes a) workshops and focus groups that bring together 400 VET teachers and managers, end-users and social support professionals b) a 5-days training course for 25 adult education teachers and staff, also serving the purpose of testing the training material in real-life circumstances and c) a dissemination and exploitation of results strategy that aims at attracting attention and initiating the exchange of views and ideas on the issues that the Project touches upon. The training material/final product of the Project translated in all 5 languages of the partners is expected to upgrade adult education staff skills to match successfully learning needs of migrant and Roma learners to the educational services provided to them in the realm of mainstream VET programs. It will be published in the Project's web site, thus securing access of all interested parties to it.
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3 Partners Participants