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Training teachers to make READing fun through digITal storytelling
Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

OCED data (2009) reports that teachers often lack ICT skills which prevent schools from fully exploiting technology to benefit teaching and learning. In order for teachers to keep up the fast-moving technology, they need to be trained on how to integrate ICT in the classroom. In this context, the READ IT project intends to improve and update teacher skills through a methodology based on video production using digital storytelling that will help develop new teaching approaches through the use of ICT to support learning. The project, therefore, addresses the Comenius priority 4:"Development of digital learning environments for the acquisition of key competences".According to the 2009 Horizon Report, "There is a growing need for formal instruction in key new skills, including information literacy, visual literacy and technology literacy. Digital media literacy continues its rise in importance as a key skill in every discipline and profession". In response to this, the project aims at developing an innovative didactic methodology that integrates traditional teaching strategies with ICT tools to help teachers acquire new skills through video production using digital storytelling techniques that can be applied to different subjects, however, in this context through book trailer production to promote literature appreciation. Main outcomes are:-E-learning platform delivering the e-course for teachers-READ IT methodology for video production and digital storytelling and modular course (EN) -face-to-face seminars in each partner country involving teachers and students-book trailersEnvisaged impact:- teachers will learn and test a new educational approach, based on digital technology ( trailers) that can help raise the interest level and motivate students to read-students will not only learn about storytelling and how books are constructed, but will also develop transversal skills (e.g. communicative, ICT, teambuilding) useful for future professional development.

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