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TraiNing on Agriculture and posthaRvest fruit and vegetables through sustainable best prActices
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main goal of the NARA project is to improve the professionalization of young farmers in Europe through the analysis of training needs in six key areas for this sector (Food security; Technologies postharvest; Commercialization and logistic; Soil, water and byproducts; Packaging; and Entrepreneurship, and the development of the training units of this subjects through an e-platform, as well as to get the official validation of this training for agriculture in different European countries. • Target groups: The target group of this project are youth agriculture workers and agrofood professionals entrepreneurs (and SMEs) in European countries, who are developing an economic farming activity and need to increase their skills and their knowledge to improve the competences to make their business more competitive and sustainable, and developing new agrofood business to increase the wealth and enterprise development in horticulture sector or specialize in agrofood business to develop more competitive enterprises. • Methodology Through the NARA project will develop a transnational analysis, comparative and diagnosis of the training needs and offer, with the obtained results in the previous WP a competence matrix will be developed, that will allow a transnational Competence Profile. Subsequently the training modules were developed in the six areas mentioned. The learning outcomes for these units are the same among the partner systems and hence can be recognised. The learning outcomes will be defined according to ECVET (knowledge, skills and competences) and including the level (NQF, ISCED and EQF) and the credit ECVET points. • NARA project will achieve the following objectives: • Analysis and identification of training needs of farmers in subjects of complementary and transversal knowledge not covered by official teachings for the agricultural sector. • Improve the skills and professionalism of European farmers and agricultural structures. • Encourage the development of new business initiatives (agro-business) and employment (youth, unemployed and women) in rural areas. • Support the development of young people and the establishment of population in rural areas. • Improve the management of farms and their economic and environmental sustainability. • Perform validation of the training modules in the official training courses for the agricultural sector. • Improve the conditions of farmers in the Food Chain (to minimize imbalances and disadvantage of farmers with intermediate distributors and other agents in the food and agriculture). • Increased profitability of farms and purchasing power of farmers. • Expand export opportunities and new markets. • The consortium The consortium formed for the NARA project plans to cover all activities and areas of expertise of raised e- platform of training in the project. PCTAD is a community of innovation and a meeting point for institutions, and companies collaborating in R&D&I and knowledge transfer. DISPA - Dipartimento di Scienze delle Produzioni Agrarie e Alimentari, University of Catania, is a department of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Catania (Italy) and employs about 80 people. MARKTEMENTORO has extensive experience in providing policy advice on all levels of government relating to social development issues, local and regional development. CRP Henri Tudor’s research departments have developed recognised competences in environmental, information and communication technologies and in business . Tecnopackaging is a technology-based company founded in 2010, specialised in the production of advanced nanocomposites and blends, including the development of plastic parts and packaging. • Project outputs NARA project will develop the following intellectual outputs: - A training analysis, based on the offer (contents and methodology) and training needs of the sector. - A comparative matrix of competencies profiles will be defined in alignment with the European definitions. The comparative matrix of generic competencies enhances the comparison of learning outcomes in VET, facilitating credit transfer and the acknowledgment of prior learning. -A transnational competence profiles will be based on the analysis of Competence Matrix (O2-A1) by identifying competencies that are relevant to the agriculture sector across Europe. -And the learning – teaching material modules. First of all, an E-learning methodology will be developed and adapted for the e-portfolio, where the following modules will be available: • Food security and postharvest technologies, • transport and logistics, • Soil, Water & by products, • Packaging, • Entrepreneurship. -Finally an E-Learning platform and accreditation tool will be developed on the basis of the previous intellectual outputs requirements.
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4 Partners Participants