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Training of assessors for the adaptation of SMEs in the Road Transport industry towards the needs of e-commerce (E-COTRAMA)

Whilst it is recognised that e-commerce proposes a revolution for the Road Transport industry (specific to the transportation of goods) this is felt to be still quite far from reality for the majority of SMEs. The E-COTRAMA project will investigate the needs of SMEs in adapting to meet the demands of e-commerce and will develop a series of support tools/materials to meet the identified training and knowledge gaps. A study will be undertaken to ascertain the specific needs of SMEs in the Road Transport industry, which will involve interviews with SME representatives, specialist trainers and experts from the world of e-commerce. The results of the study will influence the second stage of the project, which will be to design and introduce a Training Curriculum for e-commerce for the Road Transport industry, specifically aimed at SMEs. The primary project output will be a DVD, in the 5 partner languages, containing not only the results of the study and the developed Training Curriculum, but also a key skills map for the industry, a diagnosis of training needs in relation to e-commerce and a general evolutionary vision for the transportation of goods in the Road Transport industry. Beyond its work with SMEs, the project also attempts to better inform guidance and counselling professionals of the changes in the industry and of the skills required by those considering a career in the Road Transport industry. To meet this demand, a paper-based reference manual will be produced by the project, in the 5 partner languages, to better inform these professionals. Dissemination will be key to the project and will take place throughout the project lifetime, beginning with information on the project aims, continuing with information on the progress of the project and finally presenting the end project results, which will be further supported in the hosting of an end project seminar.
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5 Partners Participants