European Projects
Training Hard for Working Smart
Training Hard for Working Smart
Start date: Nov 1, 2016,
End date: Oct 31, 2018
CONTEXT:In the actual difficult context, the 'Work' concept has to approach more over than looking at it as a 'right', and has to start to be thought as an intensive project and an individual realisation. Always be less bounded to be dependent work, but a vehicle leading to the enteprneurship and the enterprise.'Smart Working' is the word of mouth around of business world 2015. The concept of Smart working looks at the single worker as a crucial point of the organisation. More responsible, autonomous and able to get a better equilibrium between a private and a professional life. The IIS De Amicis promotes the SMART project to enforce the synergy between education and training (continuing and informal) and, in view of alternating training and school-to-work alternation initiatives, aims to encourage the willing to get into the game that young people are showing more and more. The SMART project aims to be a driving force, pushing the young participants to become young entrepreneurs and, moreover, entrepreneurs of themselves.OBJECTIVES -improving the technical and practical entrepreneurial skills of the young participants and recent graduates in TECHNICAL EDUCATION (Economic sector: Finance Administration and Marketing, Marketing International Relations, Business Information System; Tourisim. Technical sector: (Graphic and Comunication) and in PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION (Health Care Services and Commercial Services);-understanding the importance and the dynamics of the concept of 'smart work' and lay the groundwork for the creation of Smart Workers figures: well organized, bright and responsabile workers, able to reach excellent business results;-generating synergies between the worlds of education and work;-strengthening in a practical way young specific professional profiles potentially classifiable: 1. as new young entrepreneurs, able to create and handle their own business; 2. within the Italian entrepreneurial existing context, especially of the SMEs, as capable and able to innovate and to adapt to national and European levels;-sensitising the young and future Italian entrepreneurial class to the importance of the interaction between economies.PARTICIPANTS:SMART addresses to 50 participants in VET: 30 students in the III and IV year levels and 20 recent graduates at same school institute. Respectively ready to carry out a period of 4 and13 weeks of mobility abroad. The educational background refers to the economic, technical and professional sectors of IIS De Amicis.ACTIVITY AND METHODOLOGY:SMART offers the possibility to perform a training VET, bearing the added value of internationality. The training offer is that of a full-immersion period of 4 or 13 weeks, which brings experience in the business and productive realities of three different European countries, through a development process of effective activities, intensive courses and targeted training.Selected foreign companies have strategic ability for their own growth and the inclusion in the international markets.The project will be realised on three European countries of destination, with different features, but all important with reference to the entrepreneurial context: Malta, economically strong and second in Europe for its economic growth; Spain, able to recover and with an economic stabilised growth; Portugal, with a growing services sector, especially for trading and tourisim. The full partnership is, for mission, dedicated to promote SKILLS and KNOWLEDGE SECTORS, working with synergistic action between the EDUCATIONAL AND LABOUR WORLDS, encouraging the development of entrepreneurship mind and the obtainment of qualifications to fill the gaps on skills level.RESULTS AND IMPACT:-for the students: development of knowledge , skills and occupational skills-for the recent graduates: acquisition of knowledge skills, personal and employability skills -enhancement of initiative and entrepreneurship senses-enhancement of individual emancipation -improvement of foreign language skills-strenghtening employability and career prospects.The impact is different on local and regional contexts. The SMART project strengthens the synergy between education and technical training, and in view of school-work alternation, gives young students and recent graduates an opportunity for growth and future inclusion in the labor market. Simultaneously, it allows local companies and SMEs to strategically invest in human capital, gaining accreditation as training bodies, thus creating a productive collaboration between the two different areas.SMART project realises a long-term DEVELOPEMENT STRATEGY on its territorial area, becoming a point of refernce for both an educational-practical-training offer of excellence, as well as for the existing SMEs, which could tap into the pool of young qualified and technically trained HR.