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Training for practitioners who work with people with severe mental disorder.
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Mental health, until recently, has received scant attention from policies and strategies at European level. In 2005 the World Health Organization divulged the Mental Health Declaration for Europe as a result of the Ministerial Conference in Helsinki that year. Following this milestone, the European Union initiated a series of responses to address this area, such as the publication of “Green Paper: Improving the mental health of the population. Towards a strategy on mental health for the European Union” in 2005, the manual “Mental Health Policy and Practice across Europe. The future direction of mental health care”, published in 2007, and the “European Pact for Mental Health and Well-Being” in 2008. Some conclusions of these manifestations at European level are: lack of support to mental health in general, lack of interventions and solutions, the need to tackle stigma and discrimination, and the need for designing training programmes to create a sufficient and competent multidisciplinary workforce. The mental health care workers that give direct support to people with severe mental disorders, usually have a low or medium qualification and they use not to receive specific training for working with this target group. Taking these circumstances into account along with the priorities of the European Union, the main goal of the project is to improve the support for people with severe mental disorders through an increase of skills of mental health care workers. The specific objectives are: - Filling the gap of lack of specific formal training of social and health care professionals who support the particular group of people with severe mental disorders. - Enhancing knowledge and skills of professionals with low or medium qualification caring for people with severe mental disorder, as well as preventing burnout. - Disseminating training materials for workers in the mental health care environment, and in particular those who work with people with severe mental disorders. - Raising awareness of specific support needs required by people with severe mental disorders and the importance of training professionals who work with them. The activities to reach the objectives are structured in different working phases as shown below: 0. General Management: Including general coordination, financial control, the initial videoconference meeting and steering group meeting, and evaluation process. 1. Exchange of good practices: Specific activities are a good practices review on training, the exchange of good practices identified on training and visit to resources. 2. Training for mental health care workers: This includes the design of training, the delivery of training. 3. Burnout prevention study, composed by the study phase and the conclusions. 4. Project dissemination: Through website, dissemination of reports, network meetings, and the final conference. The target groups of our project are: - People with severe mental disorder. - Mental health care workers. - Centres, services and programmes, and other local organizations who work with people with severe mental disorders. - Other stakeholders, such as the general public, public authorities, etc. The results of the project will be reflected in the following outputs: INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS: - Report on good practices identified in relation to the training of professionals working with people with severe mental disorder. - Report of visits to resources, programmes, services or centers working in the field of mental health. - Training guide for professionals who direct care for people with severe mental disorder. - Burnout prevention study. MULTIPLIER EVENTS: - Dissemination via internet: The partners will create a section on their own websites with information about the project and the resulting documentation thereof, which will be updated throughout the project. - Information and ideas exchange meetings with networks of organizations linked to the partners, and that will be scheduled throughout the project. - Final Conference: During month 23 of the project a final conference of the project will be held in Spain in which there will be a presentation of the project, the findings and recommendations, and the resulting materials. TRAINING ACTIVITIES: - A training course for professionals who directly care for people with severe mental disorder, to improve knowledge and skills.
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4 Partners Participants